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'I'm getting you killed today': Upset with her shorts, Chinese woman's father-in-law pours hot soup on her

'I'm getting you killed today': Upset with her shorts, Chinese woman's father-in-law pours hot soup on her
PHOTO: Weibo

Some members of the older generation can be pretty critical of those who wear skin tight or revealing clothes. 

But this man went totally ballistic after her daughter-in-law turned up in a pair of shorts that he deemed was too short. 

One woman from China surnamed Xu shared a video detailing an exchange which took place between her and her father-in-law on June 12, reported Feidian video, a Chinese news and video platform.

For a meal with her family, she decided to wear a pair of white shorts given the warm weather. 

But her father-in-law felt that they were too short and scolded her during the meal. 

"If you go out like this, the neighbours will feel shame for you," he said pointedly. 

However, Xu refused to be cowered and defended herself: "I spend my money on my clothes. I do it my way."

Angered by her response, the man said: "What a cheek!"

Xu then raised her voice and said: "Can you stop this while we are eating?" 

Angered, the man suddenly became physical, picked up a handful of peanuts and threw them at Xu's face. He then poured a hot bowl of soup on her. 

The pair then started hitting each other and the father-in-law even started scratching Xu. 

"Both of us were injured," she recounted, reported Feidian.

After a while, Xu's nine-year-old son tried to help her by pulling her away to a bedroom and locking the door. 

Unrelentingly, the man shouted after her and said: "I'm getting you killed today." 

Xu then called the police, who told her father-in-law that her shorts was not causing anyone harm and that he should stop harassing her. 

Husband sided with dad 

Xu then called her husband at work to tell him about the incident but instead of being sympathetic, he sided with his father and even asked her to not wear those shorts ever again. 

She then shared in the video that she is giving her husband a second chance by asking him to return home to resolve the issue with her father-in-law. 

And if he doesn't, it may be the end of their marriage. 

"If he has the same attitude, I may think about getting a divorce," Xu said. 

Netizens have been outraged by the father-in-law's actions with some shocked that the man had threatened to kill Xu over her shorts. 

"How dare he threaten to kill her? Too horrible," said one. 

Another likened the father-in-law's mindset to that of someone from centuries ago. 

"We’re not living during the Qing dynasty; why can’t she dress like that?" he asked. 

ALSO READ: 16-year-old assaults mother for 8 months, father didn't intervene

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