Keanu Reeves wants to settle down

Keanu Reeves hopes to get married and have children one day.
The 54-year-old actor - whose daughter Ava was tragically stillborn in 1999, two years before the tot's mother, Jennifer Syme, was killed in a car accident - wants to "get lucky" one day and settle down with a family of his own.
Asked if marriage and children are on his bucket list, he told Britain's OK! magazine: "It's always on the list. There's a to-do list and a hope-for list.
"And hopefully I will get lucky."
The 'Toy Story 4' actor thinks love in all its forms is vital for a full and happy life.
He said: "I think to give and receive love is the nourishment needed in life.
"It's also attached to what we hope for and search for.
"Through the journey of life, love changes and grows, ends and continues.
"And it's not just about a partner, it's also about friendships and family, so I think love is a force and it takes on different colours.
"It also takes on different responsibilities.
"Without it, it's like not having any water for the vine. We become extinct. We die."
When it comes to looking after himself, Keanu prefers to keep things simple.
He said: "I get out of the shower and I moisturise. I use a little face cream and a little body cream - and I call it a day.
"I like to eat and I like to drink, but that has to stop.
"I can't do it all the time.
"I have a wonderful trainer who I've worked with for decades. She'll say, 'I haven't seen you in a while'. That's when I will jump into exercise, but that's pretty much it."