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1-year-old boy evacuated from Wuhan on Feb 9 among 2 new coronavirus cases in S’pore; the other case linked to DBS staff infected earlier

1-year-old boy evacuated from Wuhan on Feb 9 among 2 new coronavirus cases in S’pore; the other case linked to DBS staff infected earlier
A photo taken on Feb 8, 2020, shows the Scoot plane that was used to evacuate 174 Singaporeans from Wuhan, at Changi Airport. The group of Singaporeans returned on Feb 9, 2020.
PHOTO: The Straits Times file

SINGAPORE - Two more cases of coronavirus infections have been confirmed in Singapore, bringing the total number to 77, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Monday (Feb 17).

One of the new cases is a one-year-old Singaporean baby boy who was evacuated from Wuhan on a Feb 9 Scoot flight. The baby is the first of 174 Singaporeans and their family members on the flight to test positive for the virus. He is in stable condition.

He is currently warded at KK Women's and Children's Hospital and tested positive for the virus on Sunday.

The other new case is a 35-year-old Singaporean man with no recent travel history to China.

The man is warded at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and tested positive for the virus on Monday.

He was identified as a contact of Case 50, the 62-year-old male DBS Bank employee who was confirmed to have the virus on Feb 12.

Two family members of the DBS employee, a 30-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman, are also linked to this group.

The MOH said at a press conference that five other patients have since recovered and were discharged from hospital on Monday. They are Cases 14, 15, 31, 48 and 65.

To date, 24 of the 77 confirmed cases have recovered.

Of the 53 who are still in hospital, four are in critical condition, down from five on Sunday. The patient who is no longer in critical condition is still warded in hospital.

Case 14 is a 31-year-old man from China who holds a Singapore work pass. He arrived from Wuhan on Jan 26 and tested positive on Jan 30.

The first Singaporean to test positive for the virus has also been discharged. The 47-year-old woman, who is Case 15, was one of 92 Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan on the first specially arranged Scoot flight on Jan 30.

Of the 92, five later tested positive for the virus and four have since been discharged. The last passenger, a 17-year-old Singaporean boy who is Case 23, is still in hospital.

Case 31, a 53-year-old Singaporean man, is one of five patients in a cluster linked to the Life Church and Missions. He is the first from the cluster to be discharged.


One of the 18 patients in the Grace Assembly of God cluster has also been discharged. He is Case 48, a 34-year-old Singapore man who is a staff member of the church.

Case 65 is the 61-year-old Singaporean woman who is a family member of the DBS employee.

There are no new clusters as of Monday or changes to existing clusters, the MOH said.

Five clusters of patients were previously identified.

The largest, a group of 18 patients linked to the Grace Assembly of God church, including the church's senior pastor.

Other clusters so far are linked to the Life Church and Missions Singapore, the Yong Thai Hang health products shop, a business meeting held at the Grand Hyatt Singapore and a Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site.

This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.

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