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AirAsia apologises for 'Get off in Thailand' ad

AirAsia apologises for 'Get off in Thailand' ad
PHOTO: Twitter/MelTankardReist

AirAsia's come under fire again.

This time, the budget airline's new ad campaign in Australia has got many social media users steaming.

Plastered on public buses there was the slogan "Get off in Thailand", advertising AirAsia's direct flights from Brisbane to Bangkok.

And the sexual innuendo was not lost on the public.

Twitter user MelTankardReist accused the airline of promoting sex tourism: "Why 'get off' at home when you can 'get off' in Thailand - buying women there is so much cheaper!"


Thailand is one of the world's most popular holiday destinations, renowned for its beaches, delicious cuisine and Buddhist temples.

But it has also earned a reputation of 'vice paradise' which its tourism board wants to shake off.

Although prostitution is illegal in the country, the sex trade is tolerated and brothels are frequented by both locals and foreigners.

This is not the first time the budget airline has been called out for pushing the limits in its advertisements. In 2017, it pulled a Facebook ad that was deemed sexist.


Brisbane City councillor Kara Cook weighed in on the community's outrage, saying: "This ad was an absolute disgrace and should never have appeared on our city's streets."


AirAsia apologised for the controversial advertising campaign, which it said has now ended. The airline added that it is working on removing the ads from all locations.


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