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The documentary "Meet Jinan" was launched

The documentary "Meet Jinan" was launched

JINAN, China, Oct. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- This is a report from Shandong Office of Hong Kong Business Daily. The documentary "Meet Jinan", focusing on the varied culture, traditions and customs of Jinan, gets a closer look into local life. It shows the features and style of Jinan, a famous cultural city, through people's clothing, food, housing, transportation and entertainment, so as to promote the city's spiritual character and enhance its soft power.

Episode One: Overflowing With Springs

Springs are a common sight in Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province, and they illustrate the city's long history, humanistic warmth and rich culture.

Freddy Fredes, an international student from Chile currently studying in Shandong Normal University, has been so captivated with these springs that he started a personal journey to learn more about these natural features.

He has since visited the magnificent Baotu Spring and the Black Tiger Spring, and witnessed the surreal sight of spring water making its way down Jiuru Mountain. Throughout this journey, he has also learned about how the locals view these springs, how many aspects of local life revolve around these features, and gained a deeper understanding of the harmony between humans and nature.

Come find out more about Jinan and the discoveries that Freddy has made in his journey.

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