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SUS Ads Video Challenge 2023: The New Singapore Dream

SUS Ads Video Challenge 2023: The New Singapore Dream

SUS Ads Video Challenge 2023: The New Singapore Dream
PHOTO: mm2 Entertainment

[Singapore, July 7, 2023] - mm2 Entertainment and AsiaOne Online are co-organising the second season of SUS Ads Video Challenge 2023, brought to you by REACH (the government feedback unit), in support of Forward Singapore. The short film competition aims this year to bring together the hopes and dreams of every individual Singaporean and give them a platform for their unique voices to be heard, as we journey towards a better Singapore together.

This year's SUS (Sensational. Unique. Singaporean.) Ads Video Challenge broadens the definition of sustainability — moving from solely environmental sustainability to include a wider view of social sustainability and our hopes for Singapore's future. The theme this year is "A Letter to My Future Self: Dear Tomorrow…"

The SUS Ads Video Challenge 2023 will launch officially on July 7, 2023. Participants may register their interest online at and follow REACH on social media to keep up to date with the latest activities and news (@reachsg/@reachsingapore).

Submissions will open on Aug 1, and end on Aug 30, 11.59pm.

To help participants create their video submissions, renowned Singaporean filmmakers Jean Tay and K. Rajagopal will be conducting filmmaking workshops on writing and directing short films in July. An online workshop will also be conducted via social media.

How to join:

Participants must create a 60-second short film on their hopes and aspirations for the future of our nation with the theme "A Letter to My Future Self: Dear Tomorrow…". Participants can join as individuals or as a group and are encouraged to select one or more of the Forward SG pillars (Empower, Equip, Care, Build, Steward, and Unite) as the topic for their film.

Winning films that best showcase the theme of the competition will stand to win a total of up to S$11,000 in cash prizes, as well as the chance for their videos to be screened at Cathay Cineplexes as part of the award ceremony. In addition, the organiser will be giving away Cathay Cineplexes movie vouchers for the social media challenge #TheSUSWord and through participation in the quizzes available at

"This is such an exciting competition. We live in an age of video, where everyone walks around with a video capture device in their back pockets. Films and videos are increasingly the most effective medium to share ideas and 'the feels'. What are your dreams for the future of Singapore? Don't just tell us, show us," says Ng Say Yong, Chief Content Officer, mm2 Singapore.

Head over to for full details and to register your interest now.

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