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Taipei-based Asia-Pacific Hub of the international Reform for Resilience Commission debuts with global event and report

Taipei-based Asia-Pacific Hub of the international Reform for Resilience Commission debuts with global event and report

Global leaders to discuss lessons from pandemic amid world's race to vaccinate against COVID-19

TAIPEI, Oct. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Asia-Pacific Hub of the London-based Reform for Resilience Commission is convening a global webinar on October 26 to discuss how the world has responded to the pandemic and what we can learn going forward. The webinar, "Vaccination and beyond: Lessons for ending the pandemic from the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the U.S.", marks the debut event for the Commission's Taiwan-based Asia-Pacific Hub. The webinar will be held on October 26 at 9am-noon Eastern Time in the US, and 9 pm-midnight in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.

The event will bring together Asia-Pacific leaders including Malcolm Turnbull, former prime minister of Australia; Chen Chien-jen, distinguished epidemiologist and former vice president of Taiwan; Stan Shih, co-founder and honorary chairman of Acer Group; Eng-Kiong Yeoh, former Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food of Hong Kong, and Yik Ying Teo, dean of the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

Resilience Commission co-chair Michelle A. Williams, dean of the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, will deliver opening remarks on the value of global collaboration to strengthen resilience worldwide. Pam Cheng, Executive Vice President at AstraZeneca, will join a panel on vaccination and share what the company has learned about vaccine production. Commission co-chair José Manuel Barroso, chair of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, will speak on the lessons from his experience with COVAX. Alex Stubb, former prime minister of Finland will provide a European perspective and Steve Morrisson of CSIS and Miller Center will analyze the American response. George Freeman, MP and current UK Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, will provide closing remarks.

The participants in Tuesday's webinar will also discuss the Asia-Pacific's resilience in battling COVID-19 and recommendations outlined in the Asia-Pacific Hub's inaugural report, "Resilience in the Asia Pacific: Vaccines and the 'Triple Challenge'".

"We believe this report on containing the COVID-19 pandemic in the region through enhanced vaccination efforts is the beginning of a global transformation to a more resilient world," writes Professor Chang-Chuan Chan of National Taiwan University, international advisory chair of the Hub.

In an op-ed published today in Nikkei Asia, Malcolm Turnbull and Syaru Shirley Lin, chair of the Asia-Pacific Hub, echoed the themes of the Hub's report. "As an engine of growth and a leader in manufacturing products essential to the rest of the world, the Asia Pacific must quickly return to a healthier environment to resume global travel, restore the global supply chain, and enable economic recovery."

The webinar is hosted by the Asia-Pacific Hub and the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. It is co-sponsored by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the European University Institute School of Transnational Governance, and Fubon Cultural and Educational Foundation. Register here to receive a zoom link or view the event live on YouTube by accessing the Miller Center website:

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