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Man in China poops in restaurant's storeroom after being denied toilet, washes hands in soup

Man in China poops in restaurant's storeroom after being denied toilet, washes hands in soup
A man in China washed his hands in sour plum soup after defecating in a restaurant's storeroom, shocking staff.
PHOTO: Weibo

Desperate times call for desperate measures and some would even use leaves to wipe - but how would you wash your hands after taking a dump?

A man in China found his solution in a pot of sour plum soup in the storeroom of a hotpot restaurant, according to a video by Chinese publication Phoenix New Media on Thursday (June 6).

In the video taken from security camera footage of the Shenyang restaurant at around 10am on Monday, the man can be seen walking into view of the camera, adjusting his attire. 

After briefly adjusting his shirt, he then plunges his right hand into a large metal pot nearby.

Flicking the liquid off his hand, the man then walks away from the storeroom as the video ends.

A separate picture of the purported defecation shows a brown patch of liquid at the storeroom's door, where the man came from.

The man had reportedly been denied entry into the restaurant's toilet before he entered the storeroom without permission, according to 8world.

He squatted down in the corner and stood up again shortly after, washing his hand in the metal pot before leaving.

Speaking with Chinese media, staff told reporters that the man had been denied entry because the water meter was being replaced and water was unavailable at the time, China Press reported.

The man had made the request thrice and was declined that many times.

"We were all working and didn't notice him," a member of staff recalled. "Later I found him at the exit and he ran off after seeing me."

Feeling something amiss, the employee checked surveillance footage and saw the man in action - he took off his pants, defecated in the storeroom, washed his hand with sour plum soup and left.

Pot of soup thrown out

Staff members were incensed by the man's vulgar behaviour, also describing the pains they took to clean the faeces.

"We had to use sterilised water from our water purifier, and it took four full containers to clean it," an employee said.

"Later, we used disinfectant to clean it, and the stench mixed with the smell of disinfectant."

The bucket of sour plum soup had to be tossed out due to the possible contamination, they added.

As the shop was too busy that day, the shop's employees did not contact the police, 8world reported. Instead, they hope the man would apologise to them. 

ALSO READ: Woman in China throws bags of faeces from flat for 2 months, caught after poop splatters on man

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