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Woman in China blasted for taking selfie as tourist lays unconscious in background

Woman in China blasted for taking selfie as tourist lays unconscious in background
A woman at Xihui Park in Jiangsu, China, was filmed taking a selfie with someone's fallen body in the background.
PHOTO: Reuters

Who was more unaware - the unconscious tourist or the smiling woman taking a selfie with the unconscious tourist in the background?

Most people think it's the beaming lady. 

The woman was filmed taking a selfie with the tourist's fallen body at Xihui Park, in Jiangsu, China.

The unconscious woman, who had been visiting the area as a domestic tourist, was reportedly filming a video on her phone before she accidentally fell into a ditch.

A park employee told Jimu News that the incident happened on June 20.

In a video taken by witnesses onsite, the tourist could be seen lying face down and motionless on a rocky slope by a stream.

A woman at the scene could be heard calling her a "corpse".

The tourist was said to have been "inactive for a long time", and it was uncertain whether she was alive or dead at that point.

In the midst of the commotion, one female bystander was more focused on posing for the perfect selfie shot, seemingly oblivious to the body in the background.

In a video uploaded to Weibo and Twitter, she was seen looking for the right angle for the shot and smiling widely at the camera.


When the video of the incident went viral, outraged netizens criticised the woman for ignoring the injured person's distress.

Even Taiwanese comedian Huang An commented on the incident on Weibo on Friday to criticise the actions of the woman.

One user on Chinese social media wrote, “What is wrong with her? How could she treat this as a tourist attraction?"

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Australian humans right activist Drew Pavlou claimed it was the "bystander effect in Chinese society", whereby passersby ignore tragic or unfortunate events happening near them.

A video taken after the incident showed rescuers placing the injured tourist on a stretcher and taking her away. 

Jimu reported that the victim was brought to a hospital for medical treatment and her life was not in danger.

This article was first published in The New Paper. Permission required for reproduction.

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