WhatsApp is adding another layer of security when you link the instant messaging service on the web browser or desktop app.
According to The Verge, the biometric authentication feature is enabled by default on any iPhone with Touch ID/Face ID running iOS 14, and any Android devices with biometric authentication enabled. You have to unlock WhatsApp on your phone before you can link your account on WhatsApp Web or the desktop app.
If you did not setup biometric authentication on your phone or have it turned off, you will still be able to link your account as per the current method. The biometric authentication feature is meant to prevent anyone from linking your WhatsApp account to another web browser if he/she has your phone.
It is important to note that WhatsApp's biometric authentication feature does not access or collect users' facial scans or fingerprint data. The feature is using the same biometric data API that other apps use to access the on-device security system.
The update is slated to be rolled out for compatible devices in the next few weeks.
ALSO READ: WhatsApp-obsessed Indonesia and India struggle to forsake app amid privacy policy confusion
This article was first published in Hardware Zone.