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GeForce Now? No lah, this one is called Zolaz

GeForce Now? No lah, this one is called Zolaz

GeForce Now? No lah, this one is called Zolaz
PHOTO: Screengrab/Zolaz

M1 has now joined StarHub in offering a cloud gaming service with the newly launched Zolaz.

The cloud gaming subscription service will provide its users with an "all-you-can-play" on-demand experience that you can have anywhere anytime and on any device.

Zolaz has over 400 'high-quality' PC and console titles that can be played on demand much like streaming content, and likewise, you can share a single account with up to four other users and your individual records and game history can be stored in the cloud.

The game's roster is filled with a mix of mobile and PC games that seem to appeal to casual and midcore players.

Games include the likes of Metro Exodus, Warhammer: Chaosbane, and Overcooked. You might want to wait for a little while if you're expecting a host of AAA action titles, though there are older titles like Ryse, Son of Rome as well as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.

You can also find more recent platformers like What Lies in the Multiverse here, but I can't imagine anyone feeling compelled to sign up for this service to play games that could run natively on a phone had someone bothered to port them over-though I could be wrong, and there are people who prefer to not have games apps on their phone.


"Cloud gaming has always been a possibility but its potential has so far depended on network speeds, data tariffs and latency. M1's True 5G network resolves this with its high speed and low latency so that graphically intensive games can now be seamlessly played on the go and without the need for expensive hardware," said Mr Manjot Singh Mann, Chief Executive Officer, M1.

"M1 is on track to roll out nationwide 5G outdoor coverage by the end of this year. Zolaz is part of our 5G ambitions to develop and launch 5G commercial use cases across consumer, enterprise and government sectors."

This pretty much clues us in on why M1 is getting in on the cloud gaming, err game-the true benefits of SA 5G such as lower latency are not often felt in everyday use. In order to value-add and make SA 5G viable, there need to be sufficient perks that you can't get through a regular 4G plan. And Cloud gaming is one of the more mainstream applications that people can relate to and enjoy.

M1 customers can sign up for Zolaz online and in the My M1 App at $14.98 per month (no contract), and for now, M1 is offering a free month of usage for new sign-ups. If you need convincing, you can check out how it works at M1's flagship store at Peranakan Place.

This article was first published in

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