When you have a game titled Humankind, I am sure the developers are quite familiar with what makes humans happy. In the case of Amplitude Studios and Sega’s turn-based historical strategy game, they know that free things make us all happy which is why they are giving gamers a chance to snag the Para Bellum Wonders pack for free from today until May 10. After that, the pack will cost RM8.40/S$2.50.
The Para Bellum Wonders pack is focused on war and the wonders erected by leaders of the past and present in the quest for deterrence, dominance and hegemony. This new Wonders Pack includes six new cultural wonders that include:
- Stables of Pi Ramesses: The city of Pi-Ramesses became the capital of Egypt during Ramesses’ II reign in the 14th century BCE. The Pharaoh’s stables were the headquarters of the Chariot Troops of the King and could accommodate and train up to 460 horses.
- Colosseum: The Amphitheatrum Flavium remained the biggest Roman construction until the Empire’s end. The Colosseum was surrounded by gladiator schools and their inauguration games.
- Citadel of Alamut: Built in the ninth century on a dramatic mountain overhang, the Citadel of Alamut was taken over by Hassan as-Sabbah in 1090. Under his rule, this isolated stronghold became the centre of the Nizari Ismaili state.
- Hôtel des Invalides: The Hôtel des Invalides was built in the late 17th century on the orders of France’s Louis XIV. Designed to host some of the many injured soldiers and veterans in need, it included rooms, refectories, and a dedicated hospital for its residents.
- Kaiserliche Werft: Founded in 1869, Wilhelmshaven Imperial Shipyard was the biggest German shipyard specialized in building warships. At the turn of the 20th century, the site’s nearly 20,000 workers produced some of the era’s largest warships.
- The Pentagon: Built during WWII, the Pentagon is an administrative building that houses the United States Department of Defense. It employs more than 20,000 people on-site to coordinate the missions of the country’s 1.3 million active-duty service members.
Alongside the release of the Para Bellum Wonders pack, Amplitude Studios have also released the free Vauban update that features gameplay and quality-of-life improvements. These include:
- Demand/Renounce All Buttons: New Renounce All and Demand All buttons have been added to the Crisis tab of the Diplomacy screen to deal with all grievances at once. It’s never been so easy to forgive and forget… or worse.
- Auto-resolve Improvements: We’ve added a preview of the damage units will take when the cursor hovers over the auto-resolve button. Additionally, we’ve made some small changes to the auto-resolve formula to better reflect army compositions and terrain.
- AI Improvements: We’ve worked on how AI manages Faith, Influence, and early expansion. They should now make for better competitors!
- Cultural Wonder Improvements: We’ve added adjacency bonuses to many wonders to encourage players to incorporate them into your city planning. Additionally, wonders are now cheaper to claim and can be renounced if a player changes their mind.
- Steam Workshop [Beta]: In addition to our current cross-platform mod solution mod.io, we are now adding Steam Workshop support. Players can choose either Mod.io or the Steam Workshop to get and upload their mods. Please note that this feature is in beta, with a full release to follow soon.
Humankind is a game that is similar to Firaxis’ Civilization series and if you are a fan of said series and want something a little different, then now would be a good time to purchase Humankind as it now has an 80per cent discount on the Epic Games Store and Steam. At just RM28/S$9.98 for the base game alone, you could even gift a copy to your friend so you can either rule the world together or destroy each others’ efforts.
This article was first published in Potions.sg.