There's a small bit of good news for Huawei. Intel and Microsoft have confirmed that they will continue to support Huawei's laptops, despite Huawei's placement on the US Entity List, which effectively bans it from receiving US technology.
The Chinese telecommunications giant has seen a slew of US firms, and even those based outside the US, pull support over the past weeks, including key partners like ARM, Google, and Qualcomm.
Earlier this month, Huawei announced that its latest two generations of phones, including the P30 Pro and Mate 20 Pro, would be getting Android Q, which means business as usual for now for owners of newer devices.
However, Microsoft has thus far remained silent about where it stands on the Huawei ban, so the confirmation that both it and Intel will continue to support Huawei laptops provides some much needed clarity on the issue.
However, this only applies to existing Huawei laptops, including those already in the hands of customers and the units still in inventory.
On Intel's end, support means continued firmware updates to patch security risks, in addition to driver updates for things like its GPUs. Microsoft will of course offer Windows updates so customers can benefit from the latest features and security patches.
Having said that, Huawei will still face considerable uncertainty as a PC maker once it runs through its stockpile of CPUs and other components. The ban means it doesn't have access to the necessary components and technology, so it won't be able to build new systems.
This article was first published in Hardware Zone.