Microsoft gives examples of acceptable trash talk on Xbox Live

Microsoft has clarified "acceptable trash talk" for gamers on Xbox Live.
The company is taking a firm stance against offensive online behaviour after updating its "Community Standards for Xbox", and it has made it clear that hate speech and harassment are strictly forbidden on the service.
Microsoft has said: "To make Xbox Live a place where everyone can hang out, and to prevent people from feeling uncomfortable or unwelcome, we all need to be stewards.
"This means more than just not harassing other players — it means embracing them. It means saving those unsavoury jokes for people you know will enjoy them.
"It means taking particular care for others while you play, keeping in mind how they might interpret your content."
In an effort to explain exactly what it means by acceptable trash talk — "lighthearted banter or bragging that focuses on the game at hand and encourages healthy competition" — the company has unveiled some examples of what is and isn't allowed.
In a tongue-in-cheek list, it's revealed gamers can use phrases like: "That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d's over 1."
On the flipside, taking that line too far would include: "You suck. Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1."