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Petitions calling for PMD ban in Singapore face resurgence in light of deceased elderly crash victim

Petitions calling for PMD ban in Singapore face resurgence in light of deceased elderly crash victim

Petitions calling for PMD ban in Singapore face resurgence in light of deceased elderly crash victim

[UPDATE, September 26]

The victim has since died in hospital, police confirmed.

Petitions have been pervasive in Singapore ever since online petition hosting sites started becoming a thing. Petitions against personal mobility devices (PMDs) are now more common too, ever since some of its users have proven to be reckless riders responsible for hundreds of injuries

The latest case — involving an elderly e-scooter crash victim currently in a coma — has Singaporeans riled up once again, renewing the rage against the very usage of motorised mobility devices across the country. Since the accident made headlines earlier this week, online petitions calling for the prohibition of all PMDs in Singapore have received a boost in signatures accompanying the outrage. 

Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise either, considering the severity of Madam Ong Bee Eng’s injuries. The 65-year-old logistics assistant packer had been cycling home around Bedok North last Saturday night (Sept 21) when her bicycle collided with an e-scooter.

She was conveyed unconscious to Changi General Hospital, and according to The Straits Times, suffered serious brain injury as well as fractures to her ribs and collar bone. 

Currently warded in a comatose state at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, Ong’s family was told to be prepared for the worst. She died in hospital on Wednesday (Sept 25). 

Shin Min reported that the e-scooter is suspected to be heavily modified and exceeded the 20kg weight limit, and the 20-year-old rider has since been arrested for causing death by a rash act. 


Zachary Tan, the man who started an online campaign on five months ago to get the Singapore government to ban PMDs, updated his petition to include Ong’s plight. 

“In light of the recent tragedy that befell on Madam Ong Bee Eng, who is currently in a state of coma, once this petition reaches 17,000 signatures (the number proven to push authorities to take action as per the Watain concert saga), I will be writing an email to LTA with the link of this petition included,” he wrote. 

As of writing, his petition has garnered well over 18,000 signatures (and rising), with at least ten thousand supporters jumping on board just today alone. 

“I believe all of us want the prospects [sic] of a ban to be thoroughly re-examined in Parliament,” Tan stated. “I will not rest until an outright ban is in place and the cries of pain of the victims who have been knocked down be heard by our leaders.” 

PHOTO: screengrab

On why he was moved to launch his petition, Tan explained that he faced a number occasions when he narrowly escaped getting hit by PMDs. 

“Those experiences made me realise how easy it was to lose my life even when I'm walking on the pavement built for pedestrians and when I'm supposed to feel safe,” he wrote.  “As such, I have been rather cautious everyday and have been consciously checking the pavements while walking on them, which I feel is a psychological burden wrongfully imposed on me by e-scooter and e-bike riders.”

A similar petition that was also started five months ago received renewed interest today. “Ban PMDs in Singapore. Keep our people safe!” saw a new round of signatures with a total count of 5,700 as of writing. 

PHOTO: screengrab

Meanwhile, on another website, ipetitions, Rodney Tan asserts that “It is time to ban e-scooter in Singapore”, in a petition started way back in May last year. Though it garnered the least signatures (1,284 as of writing), a couple of supporters left their names on it yesterday. 

PHOTO: ipetitions screengrab

Outspoken and vocal as these petition supporters may be, there exists a significant amount of people — especially food delivery workers who depend on PMDs for a living — who want viable alternatives to banning them outright. 

PHOTO: Facebook screengrab
PHOTO: Facebook screengrabs

While the level of disquiet revolving PMD usage in the country remains evidently high, getting them banned outright might be a harder move. 

“Like many cities, we are trying to find a good balance between ensuring public safety, while promoting the use of PMDs for our first and last-mile journeys,” wrote the Land Transport Authority’s Director of Active Mobility Kenneth Wong in response to letters of concern in July this year.  

“Rather than applying a blanket ban on all PMDs, we think that a gracious culture where users ride safely and responsibly would be a better solution. Infrastructural enhancements will also be carried out where space permits.”

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