Unboxing Hasbro's Marvel Legends Series Iron Man Nano Gauntlet

There has never been a better time to be a Marvel fan.
From toys, comics to movies, the House of Marvel has given audiences much to clamour for, and in some cases, even presented collectibles for the masses to enjoy.
Over the years, Hasbro has brought fans the Marvel Legends Series, providing us with replicas that would have otherwise been impossible for us to afford or make.
From Captain America’s shield to mighty Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, the series has impressed us with quality and affordable accessories that has fans clamouring for more.
Of all that has come before though, nothing holds our attention as much as the gauntlets. There was the Infinity Gauntlet in 2018 based on Avengers: Infinity War, and then the Power Gauntlet in 2019 based on Avengers: Endgame.
Both were designed after Thanos left and right hand respectively, which made use of a pulley system for finger articulation.
Now, almost two and a half years after Avengers: Endgame, we finally get our first officially licensed Iron Man Nano Gauntlet, as seen in the final scene of the movie, where Tony Stark makes the ultimate sacrifice. Because he is Iron-Man.
The premium Marvel Legends Series Iron Man Nano Gauntlet features flexible finger articulation, removable magnetic Infinity Stones, and authentic movie sounds.
Standing at 18 inches tall, the one to one scale right-handed gauntlet features a Snap! sound FX when the wearer articulates the middle finger and thumb to simulate the snap gesture.
The gauntlet is powered by three AA batteries, which powers the authentic movie sound effects and lights up the six Infinity Stones.
Another key feature is the individual Infinity Stones that can be detached from the gauntlet.
One thing to note is that the stones will not light up on their own after they are removed from their intended sockets, which is a bummer, as we originally thought they would have remained lit on their own, much like how the Time Stone remains lit on the Marvel Legends Series Eye of Agamotto.
However, when each stone is set into their respective sockets, they do let off a different sound effect though, which is a nice touch.
Pressing down on each stone when they are set on the gauntlet also lets off uniquely different sound effects, which is another nice touch by Hasbro.
Depending on the size of the wearer’s hand, it can run a bit tight for folks with bigger hands and bigger knuckles.
The only main concern here will be how lasting the rubber portions will be. It is, after all, going to be a collectible for adults, which will be standing vertically on display.
The last thing we’d want is the finger joints disintegrating or getting sticky over time due to humidity in the air.
The Marvel Legends Series Iron Man Nano Gauntlet retails for S$199 in Singapore, and will be released on Oct 1, 2021 via The Falcon’s Hangar and Robo Robo. If you live outside of Singapore, pre-orders are available on Hasbro Pulse and Entertainment Earth at US$124(S$199).
This article was first published in Geek Culture.