Some pretty big updates are coming to WhatsApp. To start, the Reactions feature is finally coming to the app. This will enable users to quickly respond to messages with an emoji. WhatsApp said they will improve this feature by adding an even broader range of expressions.
Next, WhatsApp will now allow you to share files up to 2GB in size protected by end-to-end encryption. This is a huge step-up from the previous limit of just 100MB and was clearly designed to make WhatsApp a more useful tool for collaboration, particularly in business and school settings.
Finally, users will now be able to chat with up to 512 people in a group. This is double the current limit of 256.
Now, if these features sound suspiciously similar, that's because you can do the same things on rivals like Telegram and Discord.
ALSO READ: WhatsApp to introduce 2-step verification feature for desktop and web versions
This article was first published in Hardware Zone.