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Actress-turned-health-coach Jacelyn Tay says you shouldn't need toilet paper

Actress-turned-health-coach Jacelyn Tay says you shouldn't need toilet paper
PHOTO: Instagram/jacelyn_tay

When the circuit breaker kicked in and toilet paper was flying off the shelves, were you one of those who worried that you couldn't get your hands on a hot commodity?

Well, according to Jacelyn Tay, there was no need to worry because we shouldn't need toilet paper if we have been eating healthy.

In her Instagram post yesterday (Oct 13), the local actress-turned-health-coach mused over the lack of toilet paper during the circuit breaker and thought that Singaporeans have "very bad bowel".


The 45-year-old wrote: "As long as you need toilet paper to wipe your backside clean, you know your diet has been quite rubbish without enough fibre. 

"If the poop sticks to your backside, the poop will stick to your colon, too. Over years, especially if you have constipation where poop gets stuck in your large intestine and is not able to come out for days, imagine the wall filled with sticky toxic waste."

She went on to explain that toxins which aren't cleared through the bowel are passed back to the liver, which makes it "congested" and "stagnation happens".

Jacelyn added: "Whenever there is a skin problem, be it acne, rash, eczema, hives, psoriasis etc (sic), the liver is definitely involved... By right, if we only eat from the garden of Eden, no toilet paper should be needed."

Guess we all just need to eat our recommended daily intake of veggies and we can skimp on toilet paper?

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