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Books over toys: Keira Knightley doesn’t want her children to be ‘spoiled’

Books over toys: Keira Knightley doesn’t want her children to be ‘spoiled’
PHOTO: Twitter/FilmUpdates

Keira Knightley doesn't want her children to be "spoiled."

The 36-year-old actress — who has Edie, six, and Delilah, two, with husband James Righton — is always happy to buy new books for her daughters because she gets "bored" hearing the same stories, but she is more reluctant to shower them with toys.

She said: "Toys, mine aren't allowed so much because we don't want them to be spoiled, but books they want they are absolutely allowed."

"I think it's also because I get too bored reading the same ones.''

The Pirates of the Caribbean actress admitted she doesn't get to read much at home because her dyslexia means she needs to be able to concentrate without distraction and her daughters don't give her many opportunities to do that.

She told the Daily Telegraph's Luxury supplement: "I'm dyslexic so I actually find reading difficult. I have to really concentrate — and I have young children, so that's impossible."

"Mine don't let me read at all. There are so many ways to lie across a book and they've found every single one of them."

But Keira loves audiobooks as a "way into" literature.

She said: "'Since I was young, audiobooks have been my way into literature, which was otherwise largely closed to me. And now, with children, I'm using them again."

"At this stage of my life, the audiobook has become so, so important to me."

However, the Bend it Like Beckham star admitted she can't secretly listen to stories in the way she used to after cutting her hair.

She said: "I have been known to have the buds in my ears and be looking after the children and get very told off by my husband."

"Actually, I've just cut my hair off and it's annoying, I find, because everyone knows if I have earbuds in."

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