Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu started dating after they had same 'mental image' of themselves together at the Eiffel Tower

When it comes to relationships, you often hear people say that you'll know when the right person comes along.
The same can be said for Mediacorp couple Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu for they both had an inexplicable vision that seemed to foreshadow their relationship.
On the most recent episode of meWATCH talk show Hear U Out, local actress Felicia recounted this mysterious incident when an image popped into her head and she saw herself and Jeffrey at the Eiffel Tower. This occurred sometime after they bonded while filming the 2015 Channel 8 series Life — Fear Not.
Felicia, 36, said: "It was raining heavily one day for one of my afternoon shoots, so we couldn't shoot anything at all. And I suddenly had this image in my head — I was at the Eiffel Tower, and I was happily taking photos with him (Jeffrey).
"And I don't know why such an image popped into my head. But I had a thought and figured I should give him a call."
Call him she did, and coincidentally, he told her that he just had a similar image in his head.
The actress added: "He told me, 'I closed my eyes, and then this image popped up in my head. I saw us in front of the Eiffel Tower, and we were happily taking photos and having coffee.' I hadn't said anything to him yet at this point in time.
"Then I said, 'Wait, what? I just had the same image in my head.' And then we laughed it off."
ALSO READ: Felicia Chin grew up in an unstable environment because of mother's temper and lived in fear
However, later that night, Felicia said the vision became even clearer in her head so she called Jeffrey again. The China-born actor confessed that due to the events that transpired, it gave him the courage to ask her if she was "willing to build a home" with him.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The lovebirds may be MFEO (Made For Each Other) but they definitely had their bumps along the road.
As Felicia spilled the tea on their relationship, she spoke about two incidents that happened in an edition of Star Awards years ago — both of which were kind of Jeffrey's fault.
The first was a major faux pas when she used a Chinese proverb that typically had a negative connotation during her acceptance speech. She admitted that she went to Google the definition and had her doubts, but Jeffrey said it could be used in a positive manner as well.
The second incident was when they discussed how to handle the press at Star Awards as they hadn't publicly announced their relationship. They both agreed that they would say they're still exploring things and that Jeffrey could hug her when he won if it seemed natural.
However, instead of hugging her, Jeffrey went up to her with his arms outstretched and waited for her to reciprocate.
"I couldn't let him lose face so I stood up and hugged him. I just thought, 'What is this?' Everyone thought it was so romantic but inside I was thinking, 'Why did you sabo me?'," she said exasperatedly.
And if that wasn't enough, when they did press interviews together after the ceremony, Jeffrey went off-script when asked about their relationship.
Instead of replying as they had agreed, Jeffrey said he had expressed his feelings for her and was waiting for her reply.
Felicia said: "I was so angry! I was right next to him and I thought, 'What was that? What are you saying? What kind of reply are you waiting for?'"
ALSO READ: Buckle Up: Felicia Chin surprised Jeffrey Xu in Shanghai but it turned out disastrous
In the end, Jeffrey clarified that he was "too excited" as it was his first time winning an award and that he didn't know what he was saying.
"This is why we need five years [before talking about marriage]. We've already been together for five years but I still need to understand him better," she said.
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