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Gwyneth Paltrow says husband lost sense of taste and smell for 9 months after catching Covid-19

Gwyneth Paltrow says husband lost sense of taste and smell for 9 months after catching Covid-19

Gwyneth Paltrow says husband Brad Falchuk lost his sense of taste and smell for nine months after catching Covid-19.

The Goop co-founder and her spouse have been battling long Covid - when coronavirus symptoms last weeks or months after the infection has gone - and she revealed that the 50-year-old television writer had the common symptom for almost a year, while she still has extreme tiredness.

Gwyneth told People: "He actually only got his taste and smell back in January, so nine months after he lost it."

The Shallow Hal star added how she has "a bit of fatigue and brain fog."

However, insisted: "But there's so many people who are going through it and we're getting better all the time."

Speaking about the Covid-safe trip she organised for her spouse's 50th birthday this week, she told the publication: "We actually were able to go skiing in Wyoming with a few friends on a Covid safe trip and it was amazing.

"It was so nice to celebrate him. He's such a special, amazing man."

The 48-year-old actress recently revealed she was consuming alcohol and pasta "all the time" after she was struck down with Covid, and she also believes the virus is partly to blame for slowing down her metabolism.


Gwyneth said: "I've noticed over the past couple of years that my metabolism is slowed down.

"I know a lot of that is perimenopause. I'm 48 years old, and I know that women tend to lose up to 30 per cent of their metabolic speed once we enter this phase of life, etc. So I know some of it is that.

"I think maybe some of it is because I got Covid. My physician in New York was saying that that was affecting a lot of his patients' metabolisms as well.

"What I really noticed was the snap back that I used to have - you know, if I gained some weight and I wasn't happy, I could quickly eat really well for a couple of days, exercise a lot, and it would all be gone.

"And that was not happening over the past year. I gained a lot of weight over Covid. Covid happened and I didn't do my eating plan. I just was like having alcohol and pasta all the time and then I sort of hit a wall."

Despite piling on some pounds, the Avengers: Endgame actress has shed 11lbs (4.9kg) after eating bone broth for a week as part of her functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole's Intuitive Fasting plan.

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