Jaime Teo breaks collarbone trying to overtake group of cyclists

On Saturday (March 26), local actress Jaime Teo posted on Instagram shocking news that she was involved in a cycling accident which left her with a broken collarbone.
In her post, which contained pictures of her injuries, she explained that while trying to overtake a big group of cyclists at Marina Bay Sands, she sped up and crashed into a cyclist who had suddenly turned right.
She wrote: "I should've cycled slower, should've rung my bell or they could've signalled or could've looked back before turning. All the 'could'ves' and 'should'ves' doesn't change the fact that I've now a very broken collarbone and will need a bone graft and surgery next week."
The 44-year-old also had to cancel some jobs. Jaime added: "I spent a few moments alone in A&E feeling sorry for myself #pityparty but thankful for good friends who put things in perspective for me."
Her celebrity friends like Jesseca Liu and Michelle Chia sent well-wishes and support in the comments section.
This is not the first time Jaime injured her collarbone.
In August 2021, she fractured the same bone from a fall while cycling. Back then, she stated that the injury was not on her dominant side and surgery was not required, though she needed to have her hand in a sling for two to four weeks.
A few weeks later, she updated that she opted for surgery after waiting for the bone to heal.
Cycling accidents have been commonplace in Singapore. On March 12, a group of cyclists had a near-miss with a bus at Tanah Merah Coast Road
They were riding along a cycling lane when a bus approached from their right. The driver engaged the turning signal to indicate that he was going to make a left turn into a side road.
However, the front cyclist sped up and weaved his way past the bus, narrowly missing being hit by the bus.
Another cyclist was caught off-guard by the turning bus, lost his balance and fell on the road.
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