Netflix has been actively making live-action adaptations of manga and anime lately, with titles such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, and more. The most popular series being adapted is One Piece, the juggernaut of an anime and manga series that has been in publication since 1997 and still remains one of the most beloved series of all time.
PHOTO: Screengrab/Youtube/ONE PIECE公式YouTubeチャンネル
PUBLISHED ONMarch 10, 2022 6:26 AMByBrandon Toh
This live-action adaptation will run for ten episodes, but with the 1,000 plus episodes of the anime, should the adaptation prove successful, there is a wealth of story arcs, characters, and lore to further adapt. Hopefully, the One Piece live-action adaptation will do justice to the source material and not go the way of Cowboy Bebop, which got cancelled after just one season.
The series is currently in production and no official release date has been announced yet.
ALSO READ: One Piece live-action Netflix series casts its straw hat pirates
This article was first published in Geek Culture.