Fans of wacky pirate Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp in all five previous instalments of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, may have to put their hopes to rest that Johnny Depp may reprise his role in Pirates of the Caribbean 6.
Franchise producer Jerry Bruckheimer, in an interview with The Times on the making of Top Gun: Maverick, shared his thoughts when asked about whether Depp would return.
"Not at this point," Bruckheimer said. "The future is yet to be decided."
Johnny Depp has been embroiled in a years-long ugly legal feud with ex-wife Amber Heard. He is currently suing her for defamation for a 2018 opinion piece in the Washington Post, which he claims has cost him acting roles, including a potential appearance in Pirates of the Caribbean 6.
Bruckheimer has also confirmed that plans for two Pirates movies are still moving along.
"We're talking to Margot Robbie," he said. "We are developing two 'Pirates' scripts — one with her, one without."
The plans for two Pirates movies were revealed in 2020, where the female-fronted movie will be a wholly original Pirates story with new characters, said to star Margot Robbie, while the other was to be a reboot of the mainline story.
As it stands now, it seems these two Pirates movies look set to sail into theatres one day. But Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow may have already had its fate sealed in Davy Jones' Locker before Pirates of the Caribbean 6 becomes reality.
ALSO READ: Amber Heard: Photo of Johnny Depp with 2 black eyes was Photoshopped
This article was first published in Geek Culture.