The 39-year-old actor and Rachel attended Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks, California, together, but Rami asked the actress to remove a throwback snap after she posted it on social media last February.
She shared: "Rami was a good friend of mine. We were [in] the same crew. We did 'The Crucible' together senior year, we were the leads in it together - all these things."
Rachel, 39, posted the picture online after Rami starred in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie.
The actress thought the photo was funny and wanted to share it with her followers.
She told the Armchair Expert podcast: "Obviously, he gets super famous and he's always been extremely talented… even in high school.
"I had posted a throwback of us from our senior trip to New York. We're super nerdy… just the dorkiest picture of the both of us. But I throw it up, 'cause it's funny and I think it's so important to be able to make fun of yourself."
However, the acclaimed actor subsequently contacted Rachel via social media to ask her to remove the snap.
She revealed: "I don't usually check my DMs on my Instagram… maybe a week goes by and I actually look and I have a message from Rami. But it wasn't like, 'Hey! How are you?!' It was straight to: 'I would really appreciate if you take that down. I'm a really private person.'
"I was like, 'Oh, s***! OK.' I get really hot and start sweating. I'm all nervous, like, 'Oh god! What did I do?' He was a really good friend, it's a funny picture… you know? I don't take myself that seriously."