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Rumours surface that Jacqueline Wong is preparing for childbirth in Los Angeles

Rumours surface that Jacqueline Wong is preparing for childbirth in Los Angeles

Maybe Kenneth Ma can help clear the air.

Talk that his former girlfriend, Jacqueline Wong, is pregnant is once again making the rounds in Chinese social media channels, according to China Post.

In March, the TVB actress was rumoured to be in the family way when she threw up while shooting drama The Maid Alliance.

Then, she clarified that she had caught a cold and that Ma had taken her to see a doctor.

Ma, who is slated to be in Singapore for the StarHub Night Of Stars event on Nov 24, broke up with her when she was caught kissing married singer Andy Hui in a taxi in April.

If she is indeed pregnant, netizens are also asking who the father is.


The current speculation is tied to the continued silence from the 30-year-old who escaped to Los Angeles to avoid the backlash after the kissing scandal broke.

While Wong is said to be taking directing and acting classes there, another school of thought has it that she is actually preparing for childbirth there.

Some observers also think that it is strange that even as her employer has given her a second chance by broadcasting her shows that were canned initially, Wong has not taken the opportunity to come back to Hong Kong or issue a statement about the turnaround in fortunes.

TVB recently started airing Finding Her Voice in Hong Kong.

Even if she is unsure about whether folk have truly forgiven her, she could have tested the waters by going to Malaysia to promote two other TVB shows that feature her.

But there has been no word about that.

The Offliners is scheduled to air on cable TV channel Astro on Nov 18 while The Maid Alliance will screen from Dec 16.

Previously, there was also talk of Wong venturing into other careers, like real estate, in America but that was before TVB had a change of heart.


One person, who has often being badgered about the actress' plans, is her sister Scarlett Wong, 37.

"I just want her to be happy and healthy. As her sister, I will support her but I will not interfere with her decisions. She has to run her own life," she told reporters.

But Scarlett Wong did reveal that her sister still has good - and bad - days when the events that happened in her life overwhelm her emotions.

Scarlett Wong, expressing a wish to be left alone, said: "I hope some day that she will be back in Hong Kong and answer your questions.

"You don't have to bother me then."

This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.

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