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Still beautiful? Recent photo of 80s sex symbol Amy Yip appears online

Still beautiful? Recent photo of 80s sex symbol Amy Yip appears online
A photo of 80s sex symbol Amy Yip has been circulating online.
PHOTO: Internet

Once a Hong Kong sex symbol who captivated the hearts of many around Asia, former actress Amy Yip has since faded from the limelight.

However, a recent image shared on Xiaohongshu has revealed Amy's looks in the present, over two-and-a-half decades after her retirement from showbiz, HK01 reported today (March 17).

In the photograph, the 56-year-old — wearing a white, long-sleeved blouse with spaghetti straps and a long grey skirt that extends well-past her knees — stands among a group of women who appear younger than her, smiling at the camera.

Amy is known for her generously-sized bosom and roles in Hong Kong Category 3 films, which are restricted to those above the age of 18 due to sensitive content, often including nudity.

In particular, her notable works include Sex and Zen (1991) and Erotic Ghost Story (1990), as well as Magnificent Scoundrels (1991) and Legend of the Dragon (1990), both of which also star Hong Kong cinema comedy legend Stephen Chow.

She retired from showbiz in 1997.


While her beauty and voluptuous figure were doubtlessly talking points for many back in the day, what set her apart from other actresses in the genre was her refusal to fully expose herself in shows.

This resulted in what is known as the 'Yip tease', wherein Amy would show partial nudity, but never reveal everything on screen.

Amy has never been married, according to reports, and lived together with her orthopedics surgeon boyfriend Sek Chiu-lui. The couple met in 1992 and remained together until Sek died of a heart attack while flying to the United States in November 2018.


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