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10 work from home essentials to curate a productive workspace

10 work from home essentials to curate a productive workspace
Laptop desk
PHOTO: Shopee

I know how tempting it can be to curl up on your bed and take a break when you're working from home. As important as it is to take a break now and then, we also need to get our work done. That's why it is important to create a conducive space that can help you get in the mood for work.

From quintessential caffeine fix to desk storage options to keep your space tidy, here are 10 work from home essentials to tide you through this period!

1. Laptop desk

You've probably heard of breakfast in bed, but how about working in bed? One of the perks of working from home is that you get to stay in the comfort of your bed. With a functional and foldable laptop desk, you can get cosy while working, or stash it away when it's not in use. Available for just $17.90, this will be a worthy investment for months to come.

Besides, did you truly work from home if you've not snuck an hour or two in bed?

2. Disinfectant wipes

Despite working from home, it is still important that we keep our workspace clean and hygienic. Disinfectant wipes can be used on any surfaces and are super convenient to kill any germs present around your work area.

Clean freaks or not, disinfectant wipes will be your new best friend.

3. Desk drawer

It's easy to lose track of documents and stationery especially if your home work station is smaller than your office's. With a desk drawer (or two), you can tidy up your workspace and keep it spacious for other essentials.

4. Planner

Working from home can get unproductive, especially when the weather is cool and your bed is calling. With all the distractions around you, I reckon you to pick up the habit of planning your day, or even the week ahead.

Handy desk planners are effective in giving a bird's eye view of your tasks for the week. And by setting concrete goals for yourself, you'll get a clearer direction of what you should be working towards.

You know what they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

5. Extension socket

Working with multiple devices at once? Then an extension socket will be quintessential for your workspace. Plugin your laptop, PC monitor, and handphone charger all into a convenient extension socket.

6. Cable management box

Nobody loves tangled wires, which is why wireless charging and earbuds have proliferated in recent years. Literally, any cable that can be cut, will be cut.

But we're not at the stage of wireless charging our laptops yet. So your best friend will be a cable storage box. Inconspicuous and aesthetically pleasing, this box keeps your extension socket away and helps organise your table better.

Don't worry, this ain't for birds.

7. Desk lamp

If there's anything I learnt in the past week, it's that working from home meant working later into the night.

There's no "knock-off time" where you get to pack your bags and head home because you're home, all the time.

But if it makes things better, a desk lamp will accompany you through the late nights and offer you some comfort while you're sifting through your pile of work. Plus, it's also bad for your eyes if you're constantly working in a dark environment with a bright display screen. So protect your eyes well because we're in this for quite some time to come.

8. Ergonomic chair

Working from home means prolonged hours sitting down and getting a comfortable chair can make doing your work a lot more bearable. You won't have to worry about backaches and you can focus on completing your work as soon as possible. With an ergonomic style and varied colourways, you can work in style and comfort from now on!

Most of us are fortunate enough to have ergonomic and comfortable chairs at work. It's not the same story at home where you're either working at your dining table or have a squeaky chair that's been around since your school days.

With an ergonomic chair, you'll no longer have to worry about neck aches and backaches after sitting at your desk for hours.

Or if you're feeling fancy, perhaps it is time to invest in that gaming chair you've been eyeing for so long.

9. Nespresso coffee machine

I admit. I've taken for granted the convenience of swinging by a coffee joint and grabbing a cuppa every morning.

Working from home for the past two weeks have succumbed me to invest my money in a Nespresso coffee machine. But it has made getting out of bed and ready for the 9am call so much easier.

You'll get a piping hot cup of fragrant coffee (from which there's a wide collection of flavours to choose from) ready within minutes and it's a serious perk me up.

If the end of your work from home life is nowhere in sight, I recommend you put a little over a $100 in a Nespresso machine that will last you for a few good years.

10. Wireless earbuds/headphones

Now, this one is a bit of an investment. But working with "ambient" sounds of your mum talking on the phone, or your kids screaming for your attention may not be the best, especially when you're in a conference call.

That's why a good pair of wireless earbuds or headphones can help you to focus and stay productive at home. Look for those with active noise cancelling, or noise isolation and getting in the zone will be a breeze. Read more about the best true wireless earbuds in our 2020 round-up here.

We hope your workspace sees a better day with our work from home essentials. Remember to stay apart and stay safe everybody!

And if you need to get any of the essentials above, they are just a few taps away.

This article was first published in Shopback.

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