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3 reasons why you should treat a job interview like a first date

3 reasons why you should treat a job interview like a first date
PHOTO: Pexels

A job interview can be very much like a first date–both involve being the right fit and making a good first impression. Want to ace your next one?

Shulin Lee and Helen Ng, founders of recruitment firm Ansa Search, share three reasons why you should treat your next meeting with a hiring manager like you would a meeting with a potential romantic partner for greater success.

1. It's a two-way street

Like on a first date, it’s important for both parties to put in their best effort to form ‘mutual attraction’ during a job interview.

The responsibility also falls on interviewers to ensure that the role and environment appeal to job seekers. It’s a two-way street, so if an interviewer disrespects or undervalues your time, you can be sure that this is how they’ll treat you till the ‘breakup’.

2. Desperation reeks

Desperation can be a huge turn-off to employers and romantic partners alike. Much like romantic relationships, employers seek out compatibility, but this can be hard to accomplish if you’re applying for every single job available.

There’s a difference between being reasonably passionate and reeking of dreadful desperation.

3. Don't give up on the first date

Accepting a job offer is one thing, but lunging at the first opportunity that is given to you is another. While some people might perform admirably at interviews, many make the mistake of signing the dotted line too quickly once they get an offer.

It’s important to resist this urge, stand tall and negotiate the offer. It’s always good to refrain from moving too fast before jumping into any relationship. Plus, your negotiating power increases once you’ve walked away from the table.

This article was first published in Her World Online.

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