The adage “change is the only constant” is now more relevant than ever. The world is rapidly evolving at an unprecedented pace. And it can be difficult to catch up with every little change that affects our lives in a big way.
Let’s take the vaccine for instance. A process, which would otherwise take four-five years or even longer, had to be processed, tried and administered within a year’s time. Call it the need of the hour or sheer desperation. But the fact of the matter is the Covid-19 vaccine stands as the true testament of how rapidly the world is evolving.
This brings us to an important skill that kids need to learn — how to adapt.
As much emphasis as we put upon intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ), there is still a need to acknowledge the importance of adaptability quotient (AQ). It will be the defining quality in the next generation, especially for a smooth and healthy transition to the new world.
What Is adaptability quotient?
It is the ability to adapt and thrive in constantly changing environments. AQ helps people prioritise things based on what’s most relevant, overcome hurdles, and adjust things in real-time.
Adaptability quotient is a quality most often seen in leaders who can alter strategies or plans based on changing factors against an uncertain future.
This is particularly necessary in today’s times when customer demands, market trends and technology are evolving at an unprecedented scale. Organisations are catching up with the customer and not the other way round.
That’s exactly why AQ is both the biggest boon and challenge of the generation to come. The shift will be massive and only those who think ahead will be able to ride out the storm.
To give you another example, the media industry has rapidly evolved in just the past two decades. While print remained the gold standard for communicating news and information, the world progressed to the digital age that brought upon new changes and challenges.
Traditional organisations that evolved with the changing technology and shifting reader base continue to survive and thrive today, while umpteen publications have closed their doors over the years.
On the same lines, mobile brands like Nokia and Blackberry missed the bus when it came to adapting to new technologies, which worked in favour of pretty much every major mobile manufacturer.
Why is AQ important to my child?
Having a high adaptability quotient brings a number of benefits to children. Once you start them early, they are more likely to do better in their professional lives as well.
- Kids with a high AQ are able to negotiate better out of a situation
- It helps identify threats and shortcomings, which they can work upon
- Kids that have a high adaptability quotient will be up to speed with different trends and technologies
- It helps kids accept and embrace change rather than struggle with it
5 ways to train your child to have a high adaptability quotient
Here are five traits that people with a high adaptability quotient have that sets them apart from others.
1. Be willing to experiment
Encourage your children to be open to experiment and stay curious. In order to adapt, you must be willing to change and that is usually a process full of trial and error.
That’s why experimenting is important irrespective of the consequences. The more you do so, the better you will be at determining the right results over time.
2. Change the thought process
The standard schooling systems aren’t exactly designed to encourage creative thinking capabilities. Instead, kids are sucked into a vortex of “one size fits all” learning methods. This may have worked before but for a rapidly evolving world, you will need to train your children to be open to change.
This is necessary at a mental level and is scary for everyone. But, once you’re past that hurdle, your child will start looking at it as an opportunity to learn and grow. This is not just limited to learning and technology, but also to be open about different ideas and perspectives.
3. Willingness to take risks
Progress doesn’t happen on its own. You make it happen by taking the first step when nobody is willing to. That’s a risk and you should encourage your child to do so when the opportunity presents itself.
You can start by encouraging them to take smaller risks and then gradually build on it.
Trying out for the sports team, drama class and learning a new skill are all activities that require your child to take a risk and attempt it. Until they try, they won’t know what they’re missing out.
4. Embrace learning
People who stay relevant with time automatically have developed a higher adaptability quotient. This comes from their will and curiosity to learn and grow at any age.
For kids, this needs to be a fundamental thought process whether they approach academic studies or personal interests. A strong part of the end goal needs to be the excitement to learn.
As kids move to universities and later in a professional environment, this quality will help them stand out and constantly grow.
5. Look at the bigger picture
Train your kids to always look at the larger picture to increase their adaptability quotient. This helps kids think in different directions rather than the most obvious outcome of a situation.
For instance, throwing a chocolate wrapper in wet waste may not seem like a big deal to them. But once you explain how it can be harmful to the land and sea, and how it affects other life around the planet, they will be more responsible when it comes to waste segregation.
It makes them curious to research, learn and understand. More importantly, it brings accountability to their actions. That is necessary to ensure that children have a high adaptability quotient when growing up.
Believe us, adaptability is the skill set of the future that will form the basis of everything you do. That’s why the earlier kids learn to be adaptive to their surroundings, technology and the world, the faster they will be able to delve into the new world and grow further.
That’s exactly why AQ is both the biggest boon and challenge of the generation to come. The shift will be massive and only those who think ahead will be able to ride out the storm.
On the personal front too, more adaptable children will be able to handle challenges in life, relationships in a more mature fashion.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.