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Car accident injuries you can make a claim for

Car accident injuries you can make a claim for
PHOTO: Unsplash

Car accidents are a harrowing experience, even when the damage incurred is not severe. Abrasions, open wounds, broken ribs and bones are common injuries we associate with car accidents.

Amid the immediate distractions and stress, victims might overlook delayed injury symptoms. These injuries are not immediately diagnosed and don't show up on an x-ray.

If you don't have an existing insurance policy that covers your medical emergencies (I advise that you get one immediately), here are some common injuries covered by some car insurance companies.

  • Fractures, broken bones, herniated discs
  • Burns
  • Scrapes and cuts
  • Loss of limb
  • Internal injuries
  • Soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Fractures, broken bones and herniated discs

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of broken bones and fractures. The tremendous force that your body needs to absorb will cause your bones to break.

The severity of the damage depends on the location of the break and the impact of the collision.

The most common body parts affected are the hands, arms, feet and legs. Such injuries will require surgery, framing, implants, casting, physical therapy or a combination of treatments. 


In Singapore, car accident fires are a relatively rare occurrence, but when it does happen, it can cause thermal burn injuries when the skin comes into contact with hot fluids, surfaces, steam or chemicals.

These injuries range in severity and require immediate medical attention. Severe burns require surgery or skin grafting.

Scrapes and cuts

If you are lucky, you may get out of a car accident with a few minor scrapes and cuts. However, in severe cases, victims suffer from lacerations, irregular tear-like wounds, which will require sutures and stitches.

Loss of limb

Extreme situations can result in permanent disabling effects or even death. In some cases, the sheer force of the crash requires affected limbs to be amputated to avoid further damage to the body.

Loss of limbs as a result of car accidents can be claimed under personal accident insurance.

The claimable amount varies according to the scale of benefits specified in your car insurance plan. Insurers like AVIVA pays up to $50,000 for the loss of any one limb. 

Internal injuries

The blunt force arising from a car accident will compress a victim's internal organs. With a strong enough impact, it can cause tearing of the tissue linings and internal bleeding.

When there is direct trauma to the head, it causes a concussion and results in a temporary loss of brain functions. These injuries are often not immediately evident as they do not show initial symptoms or bruises.

Signs of internal injury include impaired movement, vision, hearing, thinking and memory. If not properly treated, it will cause long term problems and headaches. Even if it is a minor accident, seek medical evaluation promptly to detect any internal bleeding to avoid any life-threatening complications.

Soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries

The sudden movement during a car accident might cause damage to the connective tissues in our muscles, ligaments, tendons nerves.

One of such injuries is whiplash, the straining of head and neck muscles in reaction to the rapid forward and backward movement during a collision.

Though a seemingly mild injury, soft tissue injuries can cause long term pain and discomfort and should be treated immediately.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic event which could potentially alter our psychological and emotional state.

In extreme cases, victims develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) and have vivid and disturbing memories and nightmares of the event, impacting their ability to perform daily tasks.

Seek professional help to prevent permanent emotional damage. Medical claims for psychological issues are subjected to approval and do not come as standard in all car insurance plans. Do check with your insurer on this.

How much compensation can you expect to get from your claims?

Compensation for injuries sustained from car accidents depends on the type of injury and its severity.

For example, according to the Quebec Task Force (QTF) whiplash injury comes in varying grades of severity, and each grade entitles you to a certain amount of claim.

ETIQA covers medical claims of up to $1000 per car accident, per passenger while FWD limits $5000 per passenger for its prestige plan.

However, bear in mind these four types of car accidents that car insurance might not cover. Check out the best car insurance policies in Singapore for 2020 here.

Not all car insurance plans cover the injuries of all passengers

There are 3 types of car insurance - Third-Party only (TPO), Third Party, Fire and Theft (TPFT) and Comprehensive. Note that only comprehensive plans cover medical expenses for you (the driver) and your passengers.

Even then, read the fine print as some car insurance plans impose an eligibility criterion on your passengers' claims. Read more about the different types of car insurance and what they cover here.


Regardless of the type of injury sustained, make sure to report your car accident within 24hrs. Seek medical treatment immediately and file your claim as soon as possible. Check out our complete guide to making a car insurance claim in Singapore here!

To ensure that you are fully covered, opt for comprehensive car insurance so that you won't face unexpected hefty medical bills. Your wallet will thank you in the unfortunate event of a car accident!

This article was first published in sgCarMart.

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