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COE prices end mixed: Cat A and B see dip, Open category edges up

COE prices end mixed: Cat A and B see dip, Open category edges up
PHOTO: Unsplash/Jiachen Lin

In the second Certificate of Entitlement (COE) bidding exercise for August 2024, premiums ended mixed, with prices for smaller and bigger vehicles dropping.

Cat A COEs, which are used for cars with internal combustion engines (ICEs) of up to 1,600cc in capacity and have a power output of less than 130hp, as well as electric cars with a power output of up to 110kW, went down by $389 to end the bidding exercise at $93,900.

Cat B COEs, which are used for ICE cars that exceed 1,600cc in capacity or have more than 130hp, and electric cars with over 110kW, saw premiums go down by $212 to end at $105,889.

Cat C, which are for goods vehicles and buses, saw prices go up by $1,300 to end the bidding exercise at $72,400.

Cat D, which are reserved for motorcycles, went down by $291 to close at $9,310.

Finally, Cat E, which is open to all vehicles except motorcycles, saw premiums go up by $762 to finish the exercise at $106,001.

Here's a summary of the second COE bidding exercise for August 2024:

Category Current COE Previous COE Difference PQP*
A $93,900 $94,289 $389 $91,383 (Aug)
$91,697 (Sep)
B $105,889 $106,101 $212 $102,423 (Aug)
$102,639 (Sep)
C $72,400 $71,100 $1,300 $70,516 (Aug)
$70,766 (Sep)
D $9,310 $9,601 $291 $9,133 (Aug)
$9,149 (Sep)
E $106,001 $105,239 $762 Not applicable

*PQP, or Prevailing Quota Premium, is the moving average of COE prices in the last 3 months, and denotes the amount payable in order to renew a car's COE at the end of its tenure.

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