A comprehensive guide to PSLE evaluation and score calculations

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a key academic milestone in Singapore's education system. Consequently, the PSLE evaluation process assesses students' understanding of key concepts and academic strengths, thereby paving the way for their progress to secondary school.
Commencing in 2024, a substantial change will be implemented in Singapore's education system. Specifically, the Express, Normal (Academic), and Normal (Technical) streams will be removed. Instead, students will be posted to secondary school through three Posting Groups — Posting Groups 1, 2, and 3.
These groups serve as the mechanism for admitting students into secondary school and guiding the initial subject levels that students can offer at the beginning of secondary one.
Furthermore, as students progress through their secondary school education, they will have the opportunity to take subjects at three distinct levels, denoted as G1, G2, and G3 (where "G" represents General). These levels are mapped from the previous Normal (Technical), Normal (Academic), and Express standards, respectively.
This transformative approach not only removes traditional streams but also offers students the flexibility to adjust their subject levels based on their individual strengths, interests, and learning needs.
The wider scoring bands, known as Achievement Levels (ALs), have replaced the PSLE T-Score. Each PSLE subject is scored using 8 ALs, grouping students who perform similarly in the same AL for each subject. The PSLE score is the sum of the four subject scores, ranging from 4 to 32, with 4 being the best possible total score.
Under the new AL system, students taking Foundation subjects will be graded AL A to AL C. For the purpose of S1 posting, Foundation level AL A to AL C will be mapped to a Standard level subject equivalent of AL 6 to AL 8 respectively, to derive a student's overall PSLE score.
The grading and corresponding mark ranges for Higher Mother Tongue Languages (HMTL) remain unchanged under the AL scoring system.
Under the new scoring system, students exempted from MTL due to extenuating circumstances will be assigned an MTL score so they have a PSLE score comprising four subjects. The assigned MTL score will take reference from peers with similar scores for English, Mathematics, and Science and maintain parity of treatment with students who take Foundation MTL.
Students will be posted to secondary school through three Posting Groups based on their PSLE score. Additionally, students can take subjects at three subject levels, known as G1, G2, G3 throughout their secondary school education. They can adjust their subject levels at appropriate junctures, based on their strengths, interests, and learning needs.
In addition to these points, understanding the PSLE evaluation process and its scoring system is crucial in helping your child navigate Singapore's education landscape. This knowledge encourages students to focus on their personal growth and learning, and not just on scoring well.
ALSO READ: Education Minister gives 5 reasons why having through-train schools without PSLE will be challenging
This article was first published in theAsianparent.