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Free online Islamic classes during Ramadan this year

Free online Islamic classes during Ramadan this year

Free online Islamic classes during Ramadan this year
PHOTO: Unsplash

Ramadan is a month of deep spiritual reflection and enlightenment.

Muslims use this Holy month to get closer to their Lord and increase in their acts of worship, frequenting mosques, strengthening ties with families by way of communal iftars (breaking of fast), and attending religious classes to brush up on their Islamic knowledge.

However, this year Ramadan falls under the stricter circuit breaker measures, implemented on April 14 and ending on June 1, and this means that Singaporean Muslims will be spending all of their time at home.

In lieu of these new challenges that the country is in the midst of, many organisations have now taken their lectures to the web and are now offering free online Islamic classes during Ramadan. 

Additionally, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) earlier (April 14) launched a guidebook for Ramadan detailing steps you can take to perform the special prayers known as tarawih prayers at home, as well as other religious observances while maintaining the safety measures put in place.

The guidebook is currently available only in Malay, but an English version will be available shortly. 

In conjunction with circuit breaker measures, here is a list of classes and lectures you can take in the comfort and safety of your living room and at the touch of your fingertips: 

Online Islamic Classes during Ramadan

Just Ask! AYN Facebook Live, Asatizah Youth Network

Hosted by the Asatizah Youth Network, this programme will be conducted every Thursday at 8.30 pm, and will touch on important topics that are close to your heart, such as holding on to your faith in times of challenges, strengthening family ties, and this Ramadan being special and different.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification on religious matters that they are unsure of. 

The programme is conducted via Facebook live stream on's Facebook page

There are also archives of past sessions available to view on the page. 

Muslim.Sg Online Kuliah, Asatizah Youth Network

In addition, also hosts 'Online Kuliah' - a series of free online Islamic lectures, every alternate Saturday at 8.30 pm, on's Facebook page.

The lectures revolve around a wide range of topics. Past sessions are also available online. 

Online Islamic Classes during Ramadan: Lectures on

View the wide collection of online lectures by local asatizah, curated by the team at

Free sessions at Alqudwah Academy TV 

Alqudwah Academy TV, which explores topics of Islamic sciences, from beginner up to advanced levels, is currently offering its latest sessions on their app and YouTube channel for free.

ALSO READ: In shadow of coronavirus, Muslims face a Ramadan like never before

The original content will be available for a week from the date of its public premiere. 

Online Islamic Classes during Ramadan: Kuliah Tafsir, Ustaz Dr Mohd Fatris Bakaram

Join Mufti Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram, as he explores verses in the Quran and explains ways to apply their teachings and timeless values in our daily lives.

The class called Kuliah Tafsir is conducted every Sunday after Maghrib at Masjid Darul Makmur, but you can now follow it online on a live-streamed version every Sunday on MuslimSg's Facebook and YouTube!

Taddabbur Online, Ustaz Aiman Khalid

Singaporean Muslims can reflect on these challenging times by drawing a parallel to the Prophet Yusuf's incredibly difficult life and his spiritual journey with Ustaz Aiman Khalid on Sunday, April 26 at 9.30 pm.

The online lecture via Zoom helps you reflect on how the Prophet overcame his difficulties with faith, strength and patience. 

Participants are required to sign up in advance here:

#ramadanwithrabitah, Lectures by Masjid Jamiyah Ar-Rabitah

Despite the physical spaces of mosques being closed, several of its religious teachers have taken to hosting their lectures on the web during this Ramadan.

Join teachers, Ustaz Khairul Anwar, Ustazah Nurul 'Izzah, and Ustaz Muhd Nuzhan, on  Masjid Jamiyah Ar-Rabitah's Facebook page and Instagram, for access to live Facebook and Instagram lectures every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after 9.30 pm, as well as Friday sermons. 

Taubah: The Heart of True Change and Repentance, Ustaz Mizi Wahid

Join the webinar hosted by Ustaz Mizi Wahid, titled Taubah: The Heart of True Change and Repentance on Thursday, 23 April 2020 at 9.30 pm.

The lecture delves into the topic of change, repentance and reflecting on your deeds, and equips you with ways to ensure you do not regress and fall back to where you initially were. 

Register now at

Stay At Home Lecture Series, Ustaz Fizar Zainal

Attend free online lectures hosted by Ustaz Fizar Zainal, during the circuit breaker period.

The classes will focus on different topics such as preparing one's self and soul for our Final End, and analysis on Sheikh Hamza Yusuf's Purification of the Heart. 

The classes are via Facebook live sessions on the ustaz's Facebook page and are conducted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. 

Beyond The Books Series

This video series is conducted by Masjid Al-Falah, and is targeted towards learners from all walks of life, and will be hosted by five asatizah including Ustaz Syazwan Elrani and Ustaz Fadhlullah Daud.

Participants are required to register online at⁣

Weekly Reflections, Ustazah Nur Hidayah

Join Ustazah Nur Hidayah Azman as she reflects weekly on relatable topics such as ‘Doing Things With Meaning’ and ‘Remember Allah In Times Of Ease’. 

Her vlogs can be viewed on her YouTube channel

Let us know if we have left out any links to any online lectures in the comments below! 

For the latest updates on the coronavirus, visit here.

This article was first published in theAsianparent.

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