An 86-year-old Singaporean man has just been reported to have contracted the coronavirus on Tuesday (March 16) among 17 others, in what is currently the highest spike in Covid-19 cases the country has seen so far.
In the same week, 46 per cent of coronavirus patients in Singapore are senior citizens aged 50 and above. This brings to mind the inevitable question of the safety of our elderly relatives and loved ones, prompting the compilation of a list of personal safety tips for the elderly.
Personal safety tips for the elderly
Avoid crowds
Social distancing and avoiding crowds are rules that should be practised by all of us, but particularly so by the elderly among us.
With coronavirus cases on the rise, and an incubation period of up two weeks of the virus within the body, it is difficult to gauge if someone is infected, and is thus difficult to stay away from anyone who may have it.
It is always better to be safe than sorry, and the most important personal safety tips for the elderly would be to stay home and avoid going out into the public.
Personal safety tips for the elderly - Monitor their health
Watch out for your older relatives and loved ones by encouraging them to check their temperatures twice a day. In addition to fever, any other sign of respiratory illness like a cough or even difficulty in breathing should be immediately reported to the nearest GP.
It is important to note that it is not advisable to walk into the emergency department of a hospital to avoid unnecessary exposure to the illness. Always check beforehand by calling either the hospital or your family physician.
Practise enhanced personal hygiene around the elderly
Always wash your hands with soap or an alcohol-based hand rub before coming in contact with your grandparents and elderly loved ones. It would be best to shower and change out of your outdoor clothes should physical contact be needed.
Ensure that you do not cough or sneeze into the open around them, regardless of whether or not you are infected, which will expose them to potential illnesses and weakening their immune systems.
Keep your homes clean
Help your elderly loved ones keep their living spaces clean. Maintaining a clean home is another very important aspect of personal safety tips for the elderly.
Regularly disinfect surfaces such as doorknobs, remotes, tables, sinks, non-fabric chairs, and phones.
ALSO READ: Coronavirus: Govt agencies to suspend activities for seniors for 14 days to cut risk of transmission
Help them stock up on essential items
Help your elderly relatives and loved ones avoid taking a trip to the wet market or even the supermarket downstairs, by helping them stock up on groceries, dry rations and essential household items.
Do inform them that you are able to pick up anything they need, in order to dissuade them from making the trip out in the public themselves. Make arrangements with a trusted family member or friend if you are unable to fulfil your obligations.
Our senior citizens possibly have the highest risk among us all of contracting the virus, and their safety and welfare should be at the forefront of our concerns. It is reported that nearly 15 per cent of infected patients aged 80 or older have died from the disease.
We hope you practise these personal safety tips for the elderly to help them minimise their risk of contracting Covid-19.
For the latest updates on the coronavirus, visit here.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.