I try a Milo recipe that'll make your drink taste just like the ones from the Milo truck

As primary school kids, the one thing we probably used to look forward to most during school sports meets and events was the Milo truck.
There was just something about the velvety and deliciously cold malty drink that we couldn't quite replicate at home.
Till now, it seems.
Malaysian website Siakap Keli posted an account from Facebook user Syahrin Yen Zaini about how Milo from Milo trucks are made.
According to a translation by World of Buzz, he wrote that the recipe was simply based on his observation of a Milo employee, and that "you can change the recipe according to your preferences". He also joked that he was not getting a commission from Milo.
Here are the ingredients he listed:
One ingredient that stood out to us: creamer. No wonder our home-made Milos never tasted as thick or creamy. But was it the secret ingredient we've been looking for?
And here are the steps Syahrin observed in making the Milo — basically how we'd make it at home, anyway:
Of course, the recipe above was used for a huge vat, but we didn't need much persuasion to try it out for ourselves with scaled-down proportions.
After some trial and error, I found this combination yielded a smooth-tasting Milo siew dai with that familiar velvety texture.
For those who prefer their Milo more gao, I'd up each component by a teaspoon and tablespoon depending, but it's best to try it out for yourself to find a combination that works for you.
The addition of evaporated milk actually did impart a nice silky texture to our regular Milo peng, and could really be the special ingredient we've been chasing after. Now, why didn't I think of that before?
Although truth be told, it still doesn't completely match up to what I remember of the goodness from the Milo vans. Or perhaps my impression of the drink is coloured by the nostalgia of childhood.
But this version comes a close second and it's something I'll be recreating at home now.
ALSO READ: Malaysian couple chase down Milo truck for pregnant daughter-in-law
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