Jamie Chua once sold several of her Birkin bags 'to feed her children' and other things about her that may surprise you

Think you know all there is to know about socialite turned entrepreneur Jamie Chua?
In a recent podcast interview on Sept 20, the social media queen gave listeners insight into parts of her life that many may not know, including the fact that she once had to sell off many of her Birkin bags during her divorce to "feed her children".
The episode, titled Beyond the Birkins, is hosted by Singapore-based American socialite Paige Parker on her podcast channel. In the 48-minute-long chat, Jamie was quizzed on aspects of her life that aren't just about her extensive Hermes bag collection.
"Many people might think that I’m not very private, but actually I am, and there are many aspects of my life that I do not share on social media and I like to keep it that way," shared the mother-of-two.
ALSO READ: Why Jamie Chua has 'given up' on TikTok
Here are some other interesting tidbits we gleaned from the interview that one may not know about the ever-youthful fashionista:
Jamie clarified that contrary to what some reports have claimed, she did not meet her ex-husband, Nurdian Cuaca, on an SQ flight during her days as a flight attendant.
"We met through a friend of his, I did not snag my passenger," said Jamie, laughing. She called her former spouse "a stranger" to her now, but added that they each have a close relationship with their children.
To Jamie, the biggest misconception that others have about her is that everything she has is from her ex-husband's fortune due to the divorce, "without realising the truth is that I've played a significant role the success that we both accomplished with our business".
"People also don't realise the trials and tribulations that we went through during the early years of our marriage and even after our divorce I continued to work hard to enjoy the lifestyle I have today," said the entrepreneur, who in addition to making money off her social media presence, also owns her own beauty line.
Of course, one can't talk about Jamie without talking about her extensive Hermes bag collection. In the podcast, she shared with Paige that she bought her very first Birkin when she was 31.
What few may know however, is that she sold a number of them during her very public divorce battle with her ex-husband.
When asked if she's ever sold any of her Hermes bags, Jamie confessed: "Well during my divorce, I did sell many Birkin bags to feed my children. They keep their value very well and could be one of the best investments that I've made, for some of them."
"When I first started I didn't even know what was Instagram," recounted Jamie, who shared that she started the account to follow her daughter, Calista.
She got the help of her niece to set up her account and told her: "It doesn't matter (what the handle is), maybe just use my car plate number".
Her licence plate number at the time was EC13M, so that was what they went with. Subsequently however, Jamie consulted a numerologist who told her that the number 24 was "better" [the number also happens to be Jamie's birth date], so she changed it.
Admitting that it's a "scary" question that she doesn't really like answering, Jamie shared that she likes to take her time to get ready and to have her lunch leisurely without having to feel stressed.
"I'm just all about self-care...I like to take my time in doing things, even in preparing myself. I feel like I should enjoy the process of putting on my skincare…. and making myself look pretty."
Jamie Chua an urban farmer? It may not be too far-fetched, considering how much joy gardening seems to bring her.
The farming enthusiast has chickens, grows fruits and vegetables and even has a separate account where she documents her gardening and farming exploits.
She even credits her chickens for helping to inspire her every day.
"When I see my chicken laying an egg, it makes me very happy," shared Jamie of the moment which she said brought her more joy than "buying a new bag".
Of course, her chickens are no random farm animals but fluffy Silkies — show-worthy ones can cost up to US$100 (S$135).
Jamie also shared that being in her garden helps her "get in touch with her inner child", and "heal myself from what went wrong as a child", although she didn't elaborate more.
"When people who don't know me talk about me, I feel that I'm really successful, and I always believe that my haters are my biggest fans," said Jamie.
"It is true, because if they're not my biggest fans, why would they be so obsessed with you to consistently talk about you?" she shared.
"Whether you love me or hate me, I'm going to stay, so you have to deal with that."
One of the most valuable lessons that Jamie has learnt is "not to take friendship too seriously because friendships come and go".
She added how many people around her have "the luxury of enjoying true friendships in their lives, but I've not had the privilege of having that."
"I used to take that a little bit hard, and a very important lesson that I have learnt is not to take it too seriously, because a friendship is to me as good as what serves them or what serves both parties.
"It is only as true as what kind of good you can do for each other, sad to say, and I've learnt that well," said Jamie, who admits to keeping a very small circle of friends that "I pick and choose".