The most popular baby names of 2022 for new parents

Expecting mummies and daddies, it’s that time of the year again! The most popular baby names of 2022 have just been revealed. With such a wide array of names, you might just get that spark of inspiration on what to call your baby.
We also included the meanings of every name, so you can decide which ones fit you and your new addition to the family the most.
Name | Meaning |
Amelia | “Industrious” and “striving” in Latin |
Emma | “Whole” or “universal” |
Olivia | “Olive tree” |
Mia | “Mine” or “wished-for child” in Latin |
Ava | From the Latin word “avis” which means “bird” Or a short form of the Hebrew variation of Eve which is Chava which means “life” or “living one” |
Isabella | “Devoted to God” in Hebrew |
Luna | “Moon” in Latin |
Sophia | “Wisdom” in Greek |
Charlotte | “Petite” and “feminine” |
Harper | “Someone who plays the harp” |
Name | Meaning |
Noah | “Rest” and “comfort” in Hebrew |
Liam | “Strong-willed warrior” and “protector” |
Oliver | “Olive tree” in Latin |
Elijah | “Yahweh is God” in Hebrew, name of an Israelite prophet in the Bible |
Mateo | “Gift of God” in Spanish |
Lucas | “Light-giving” or “illumination” |
Levi | “Joined in harmony” in Hebrew |
James | “Supplanter” or one who follows |
Grayson | “Son of a steward” |
Daniel | “God is my judge” in Hebrew |
With the release of the most popular baby names globally, we were also curious to know which names are particularly trendy in Singapore.
To answer our question, the NameChef also revealed a list of the most popular names of 2022 in our little red dot. For the year 2022, here are the top 22 names for both boys and girls in Singapore.
Name | Meaning |
Luna | “Moon” in Latin |
Esther | “Star” in Persian |
Chloe | “Blooming” or “young green shoot” |
Alexis | “Noble” or “light” in German |
Crimsyn | “Dark red colour” |
Charlotte | “Petite” and “feminine” |
Kira | “Light” in Latin |
Jovie | “Merry”, “lively” or “expressive” |
Thea | “Goddess” in Greek |
Yvonne | “Archer” in French |
Elaine | “Light” in French |
Kaylie | “Slender” in Irish |
Alyssa | “Logical” in Greek |
Cindy | “Goddess of the moon” in Greek |
Hailey | “Hay meadow” |
Leah | “Weary” in Hebrew |
Coral | “Small stone” |
Ysanne | “Grace” in Hebrew |
Amber | “Reddish yellow gemstone” |
Sylvia | “Forest” or “woods” in Latin |
Celine | “Heavenly” in German |
Maggie | “Pearl” |
Name | Meaning |
Elijah | “Yahweh is God” in Hebrew, name of an Israelite prophet in the Bible |
Samuel | “Heard God” or “asked of God” in Hebrew |
Eduardo | “Wealthy guardian” in Spanish |
Marco | “Warlike” in Italian |
Adam | “Red earth” in Hebrew |
Xavier | – “Savior” in Latin – “New home” or “bright” in Arabic |
Asher | “Happy” or “blessed” in Hebrew |
Aiden | “Fiery” or “little fire” |
Quincy | “Born fifth” in Latin |
Liam | “Strong-willed warrior” and “protector” |
Chace | “Hunter” in French |
Evan | “Gracious” or “young warrior” in Welsh |
Luca | “Someone from Lucania” |
Lucas | “Light-giving” or “illumination” |
Adrian | “Dark one” in Latin |
Matt | “God’s gift” in Hebrew |
Ian | “God is gracious” in Scottish |
Jaden | “Thankful” or “precious stone” in Hebrew |
Shawn | “God is gracious” in Hebrew |
Jasper | “One who brings treasure” |
Xander | “Protector” in Greek |
Joe | “God shall add” in Hebrew |
Some popular names, such as Luna, Charlotte, Elijah, Liam and Lucas were present in both lists. However, just because they are the most popular, it does not mean that you have to call your baby these names .
Naming your child is an important moment in parenthood, and we hope you don’t get too intimidated or pressured with trending names. Remember that this is all part of the fun in finding inspiration for what you will call your baby when you finally hold them in your arms.
You can start by picking out the ones you like the most, then choose what you think will be the best name for them. This should be a fun couple activity, so relax and share with each other some possible baby names you’ve spotted.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.