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Season of giving: 5 ways Singaporeans can help flood victims in Malaysia

Season of giving: 5 ways Singaporeans can help flood victims in Malaysia
PHOTO: Instagram/jonchuajx

Christmas should be a season of celebration. For many in Malaysia though, the holiday season is shaping up to be more of a nightmare.

In the wake of flash floods which caught civilians in multiple states off guard, at least 20 have died and over 65,000 have been displaced. If you're wondering how you can help from across the Causeway, we've got you covered.

As criticism mounts over the local government's handling of the matter, ground-up initiatives and mutual aid projects have gained momentum on social media. Here are some you can consider supporting.

Note: All the information below is accurate as of the time of writing, but do check the individual accounts for the latest updates on their fundraising and relief efforts.

Support actress Amanda Chaang's donation drive for those in temporary shelters


Local musician Jonathan Chua, 31, and his Malaysian wife Amanda Chaang have been on the ground volunteering and gathering donations in aid of those who are currently staying in temporary shelters.

According to Jonathan's Instagram Story, Amanda, 32, was even packing and distributing supplies on her birthday!

In an Instagram post, the host and actress called for donations of essentials such as toiletries, clothing, diapers, food and water.

While we probably can't ship over the required supplies, there is the option to donate money to help. All proceeds will go towards purchasing items which will be donated to multiple shelters.

Bank: Maybank
Account number: 114496146724
Reference: Darurat Banjir

Donate in aid of the indigenous community in Karak


Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Projek Asal is funnelling donations and supplies towards 15 Orang Asli (indigenous) families in Karak who have been displaced by the flood.

Bank: Maybank
Account number: 564874529363
Reference: PROJEK ASAL

Fund SikhInside's free meals for flood victims


SikhInside is an NGO that has been delivering free meals to affected areas, including Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Klang, Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya.

Bank: Maybank
Account number: 514169141318

Help The Hope Branch get groceries to those in need


The Hope Branch has been raising funds for those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Johor, Penang, Kelantan, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. In light of the floods, it is now also working on distributing care packages and groceries to victims.

Bank: Maybank
Account Number: 564892140932
Reference: Flood Support

Donate to rescue efforts for stranded pets


Besides people, animals have also been bearing the brunt of the flood, with many of them displaced and in need of food and shelter.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Selangor is one organisation that's working to rescue stranded pets.

You can contribute to their efforts by making a donation on their website. Be sure to include "Taman Muda Flood Relief" in the remarks field.

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