Special education in Singapore: Which school will cater to your child's needs

Education is a fundamental right for every child, regardless of their abilities or challenges. In Singapore, special education (Sped) plays a vital role in ensuring that children with diverse learning needs receive the support and opportunities they need to thrive.
In this article, we'll delve into the world of special education in Singapore, exploring its definition, teaching methods, enrollment considerations, available schools, and application process.
Special education refers to a range of educational services and support provided to students with disabilities, learning differences, or developmental challenges. It aims to address individual needs and help students overcome barriers that might impede their learning and social development.
Singapore's approach to special education is rooted in the principles of inclusivity and equal access to quality education for all.
The teaching methods employed in Sped are diverse and tailored to the individual needs of each student. These methods focus on personalised instruction, adaptive curriculum, and supportive environments.
Teachers often use techniques such as differentiated instruction, multisensory learning, and assistive technology to accommodate various learning styles and abilities. The emphasis is on fostering a positive learning experience that builds on the strengths of each student while addressing their specific challenges.
According to a report from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore has about 35,500 students with reported special educational needs as of December 2022.
That number includes children with learning disorders such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mild autism spectrum.
Deciding whether to enrol a child in special education requires careful consideration and collaboration with educators and specialists. Here are some factors to consider:
Currently, there are a total of 22 government-funded special education schools here, with a further six to become operational by the 2030s. These schools are equipped with trained educators, therapists, and support staff who collaborate to create a holistic learning experience.
Moreover, every primary and secondary school in Singapore has about five to 10 teachers trained in special needs education.
Here are some schools offering Sped Programs in Singapore, classified based on a child's primary diagnosed condition:
These schools offer the National Curriculum.
Do take note of the overview of the application timeline for SPED schools in Singapore.
The government has also set up partnerships between special needs schools and general education schools to promote inclusivity and intermingling between children.
Applying for special education in Singapore involves several steps:
The process begins with an assessment of your child's needs, conducted by professionals such as educational psychologists or therapists.
Based on the assessment results, you can choose a school that aligns with your child's needs and strengths. In your application form, you can list up to three schools that can support your child's primary diagnosed condition (see the list above).
You can apply to enrol your child in a Sped school by filling up a four-part application form. You need to be ready with your child's personal, medical and educational information, including his diagnosed condition.
Some parts of the application form will be answered by a medical professional and a teacher.
Have digital copies of all required documents to be uploaded in your application and e prepared to complete the application form in one sitting as it cannot be saved as draft.
It's best to prepare at least one year early before your intended admission as it takes time to gather the reports to be submitted in your application.
Some schools may require an interview or assessment, if necessary, to determine the best fit for your child.
If the application is successful
You will receive an offer letter from the school by post or email within three to six months from the date of your application submission.
Register your child at the school within two weeks from the day you receive the offer letter.
If the application is unsuccessful
If your first-choice school has no vacancies or is unable to cater to your child's learning needs, an alternative school will be recommended.
The alternative school may not be your second- or third-choice school, but the recommendation would be based on your child's learning needs.
The school will arrange to meet you and your child, if necessary. You do not need to resubmit your application.
If the school is able to support your child's learning needs, you will receive an offer letter from the school.
If you have a child with special needs, you may have heard the term early intervention often enough from their doctors.
In the context of education, the early intervention programme in Singapore is specialised support given to young children aged six years old and below to aid their development during the most critical stage of development.
The benefits of these programmes include:
The Early Childhood Development Agency has an Early Intervention Programme for Infants & Children (EIPIC) that are better suited to the varied developmental needs of our children, and the changes in a child's developmental needs over time.
Singaporeans or permanent residents are encouraged to apply. You just need to have a doctor at any polyclinic refer your child for assessment at the Department of Child Development (DCD) at KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) or Child Development Unit (CDU) at National University Hospital (NUH).
The hospital will recommend EIPIC if your child is assessed to be suitable. You can also approach a private paediatrician for assessment and recommendation for EIPIC. Once your child has been assessed as suitable, the hospital or private paediatrician will submit the application to SG Enable upon your consent.
Your child may have special needs, but that should not stop them from getting support and quality education that will help prepare them for the future. If you need help in assessing whether to enroll your child to a Sped school or not, do not hesitate to consult your child's paediatrician.
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This article was first published in theAsianparent.