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Surprising things that may cause the shape of your breasts to change

Surprising things that may cause the shape of your breasts to change

Noticed a change in the shape of your breast(s)?

First, find out if you have symptoms of breast cancer and consult a doctor to rule out that possibility.

Once that’s ruled out, your breast shape or size could have changed because of a lack of water, poor-fitted bra and other factors.


There are a few symptoms of breast cancer, including a lump in the upper chest, armpit or breast. The lump might not be noticeable, but you can feel it. A change in the size or shape of your breast could also be a symptom of the condition. Here are the other symptoms.

  • change to skin texture (puckering or dimpling)
  • change in colour of breast (red or inflamed)
  • change in nipple (inverted nipple)
  • discharge from nipple
  • rash around nipple


When you’re engaging in high-impact sports like mixed martial arts, cycling and swimming, your breasts will require more support than ever. Be sure to get the right bra for each sport you’re doing.


When you’re pregnant, the ligaments that support your breasts stretch as they get heavier, and the sagging becomes more noticeable with each subsequent pregnancy. However, research has shown that breastfeeding does not affect breast shape or perkiness, so don’t let a fear of sagging breasts stop you from doing it.


If you’re a yo-yo dieter who’s constantly gaining and losing weight, your breast tissue will lose its elasticity and start to droop. To stay perky, lose or gain weight slowly and sensibly to give your skin time to adapt.


Smoking breaks down elastin (which keeps your skin looking young), and weakens and ages the skin around your breasts, causing them to appear stretched and saggy. Just another reason to give up the habit!


Sunscreen is always important to block your face from UV rays and prevent premature wrinkles, and the same goes for your boobs. Liberally applying sunblock can prevent your breasts from becoming dehydrated and damaged, which can cause them to sag.


The bouncing that occurs from running can lead to a breakdown of breast collagen and ultimately sagging. But alternating your exercise between running and swimming, as well as wearing a well-fitted sports bra can help counteract the problem.


Eating excessive amounts of the wrong type of food can affect your tush and tummy, but even your boobs will bear the brunt of those bags of chips or greasy bacon. That plate of chicken rice is not just going to your waistline.


Moisturising your breasts keeps your breast skin hydrated, which is important when it comes to slowing down the sag.


Exercises, particularly those that target the bust, can keep your breasts perky, as they tone the muscles underneath. Just 10-20 repetition sets can be enough to improve muscle tone.


Skipping water can make your skin appear rough, and not just on your face. Drink enough fluids to keep your skin glowing and young looking.

This article was first published in Women's Weekly.

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