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'Whole process took less than 10 minutes': Woman documents being retrenched just a day before birthday

'Whole process took less than 10 minutes': Woman documents being retrenched just a day before birthday
PHOTO: TikTok/Siqi.Wong

She had been looking forward to celebrating her birthday. 

But just a day before, life gave Wong Siqi a nasty gift — she got retrenched from her stable job as a content producer. 

Her job scope involved conceptualising, producing, scripting and directing videos, and she got to work closely with influencers like Andrea Chong, Mongchin Yeoh and Aiken Chia

In a TikTok video uploaded on Oct 8, Siqi shared how she was invited to a last minute one-on-one meeting with her big boss in late September. 

She initially didn't find anything fishy about this until she realised her entire department had a similar invite.

"That's when I realised the meeting may not be what I thought it was," she shared. 

And she was right — she had gotten retrenched. 

"The whole process took less than 10 minutes," she recounted. 

Siqi also shared snippets of a series of chat messages she had exchanged with an unnamed person on the day she got retrenched. 

"Okay confirm layoff. And I got laid off [sic]," read the messages. 

On the very same day, Siqi had to pack all her belongings in the office and bring them home. 

Refusing to let the layoff dampen her mood, Siqi carried on with her birthday plans the next day and went to the immersive Lee Kuan Yew memorial exhibition


And she managed to take comfort in the exhibit. 

"Revisiting the history of our nation encouraged and inspired me," she said.

Exploring other avenues 

So, what has Siqi been doing with all the extra time on hand? 

Speaking to AsiaOne, she shared that she's been using this period to try things that she has always wanted to do, such as being a content creator. 

"Even before this change, I had a few ideas and passion projects that I wanted to explore. However, I often held back, citing my full-time job as a reason. In reality, I was afraid of failure," she said. 

"Receiving my retrenchment notice, ironically, became the nudge I needed. I thought perhaps this was an opportunity to do things that I've wanted to do but never had the courage to do."

Additionally, though she used to work as a content producer and had the chance to collaborate closely with many influencers, the sudden retrenchment was a "wake-up call" for Siqi.

"It made me realise that if one place couldn't recognise my value, I would carve a space for myself where I would," she explained. 

"With these two reasons combined, I decided that the next logical step is to create content for myself on TikTok, a space where I feel I could apply my skillset and industry knowledge." 

And as of now, she doesn't plan on looking for a new job anytime soon so she can focus on her own content creation journey. 

"While many may see sending out a flurry of job applications as the logical next step, I want to take this opportunity to give my best shot at content creation. I might fail, and embarking on this journey will indeed make me vulnerable, exposing me to potential public critique. But to me, this is a now-or-never, make-it-or-break-it kind of situation.

"It's poignant that it took an experience some deem a 'failure' for me to find the courage. But now that I've started this content creation journey, I’m determined to give it my all to ensure no regrets."

How does she stay so positive? 

Those who see Siqi's TikTok videos may wonder how she stays so positive during such a trying period. 

She told us that it's different for everyone. 

"Firstly, it's important to recognise that everyone's journey and responses are different. Personally, I gravitate towards a positive outlook, and knowing that I have the unwavering support of my loved ones has been my anchor," she said. 

She also learned that a company should not decide her self-worth. 

"I know my own worth and the unique value I bring to the table. Naturally, there are days when doubt and anxiety make their presence felt. During such moments, I take a step back and immerse myself in activities that I enjoy. Then, I get back up and try again the next day." 

Going through something similar as Siqi? She has three tips and words of encouragement for you. 

First, is to acknowledge your emotions. 

"As we confront and process our emotions, it's essential to keep in mind that we're multi-dimensional beings. Each of us has a myriad of facets that make us unique and beautiful," she said, adding that a company's recognition, or lack thereof, doesn't define the entirety of who you are or your value.

Second, is to remember that everyone's journey isn't linear. 

"There are always going to be good days and bad ones. While we celebrate the peaks, it's equally important to acknowledge the valleys.

"Embrace the highs, and during the lows, never hesitate to seek support. You'd be surprised how many people truly care and are willing to help. Everyone needs a helping hand at times, and there's strength in reaching out." 

And finally, you should try to reframe your perspective. 

"Being retrenched can be a turning point. It can guide you towards unexpected opportunities, spark personal growth, or inspire a reevaluation of what truly matters in life," she said.

In fact, she revealed that numerous people have even commented on her videos and shared how their own retrenchments became transformative moments for them.

"We frequently undervalue our own strength, particularly in challenging times. Remember, we're the authors of our own narrative, and we have the power to determine the story ending." 

Wise words indeed. 

In the comments of the TikTok video, many netizens dropped her encouraging comments. 

One said: "It's not rejection, it's just redirection." 

Others who had been retrenched like her also shared their own experiences. 

Others like her

Over the past year, several companies have laid off their employees. 

In October 2022, another woman, Joey, took to TikTok to share that she had been laid off close to a year after starting her job at a tech start-up

Coincidentally, she was laid off just one week before her birthday. 

The resulting blow to her self-confidence made her unable to break the news to her family for more than a month. 

In a video, Joey shared that on the day when she received the bad news, she was remotely working from the US and her manager had requested to have a one-on-one meeting, but she "didn't think much about it".

"We know the tech industry has been facing layoffs in recent months, but I just never expected it to happen to us," she said.

In a reply to comments and to AsiaOne's queries, Joey stated that she was let go from the Web 3.0 start-up due to internal restructuring. 

ALSO READ: I was retrenched at 26 years old and I have no savings 

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