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Your career and money horoscope forecast for July to December 2021

Your career and money horoscope forecast for July to December 2021
PHOTO: Pixabay

2021 has been a tough year so far with large external changes going on with the world around us. Luckily, many zodiac signs, given the right advice, can still make the most of their careers and financial situation in the remaining second half of the year.

Some signs, like Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Libra may find themselves taking a step back from their career to focus on other areas of their life, however, they can take a few handy steps to ensure they are still making progress to their work or finances through savvy investments or careful planning. Still, they must be careful about stretching themselves too thin.

Other signs like Aries, Virgo and Capricorn, who are more invested in their work may find the remainder of the year a bit frustrating due to the slow pace. Rest assured that this will not stop you from achieving success. It is only a matter of patience and finding the right ways to keep persevering. 

Signs who can stay abreast of the current obstacles, such as Gemini, Leos, Aquarians and Pisces should be quick to take advantage of the blessings lent to them in the remainder of 2021. While their fortunes are higher during these months, they must also be more cautious about careless spending or oversights and mistakes that can be costly.

Regardless of where you are at work or what your financial situation is, you can make the best of this year. Read on to look at your specific career and financial predictions for 2021, according to your zodiac signs.

1. Aries - March 21 to April 20

Teamwork makes the dream work

Aries are excellent workers, but they make even better leaders. Aries are renowned for their ambition and passion, however, behind every great leader, there is often a supporting team.

While the competitive Aries can certainly make it quite far independently, having a network of friends and colleagues which you can delegate your work to, can help you reach even bigger milestones at a faster rate. Learn to recognise people who can help bolster or enhance your skills, or have strengths that make up for your weaknesses.

Keep an open mind

Never underestimate the importance of having strong advisors or teammates who can bring a new perspective to your projects. Aries are willful zodiacs, who know what they want and work actively towards it. However, you can be stubborn and set in doing things your way.

While this ability ensures you are not easily pushed around, to truly succeed, you must learn to listen to the helpful advice of others. Instead of thinking someone is only criticising you, consider that they are trying to help build you up to the best version of yourself. Be open to their feedback.

Don’t fall behind

This is a year full of fast-paced changes and new trends. Aries may be eager to throw themselves into the latest fad that arises in order to stay ahead of the crowd. While this can help you in the moment, it is a risky strategy if you are following the wrong trends.

Do your research on the market and attempt to predict the new trends that will stick around for longer. Putting yourself in the shoes of your target work customer demographic is important to ensuring you deliver what the market wants.

Tips for the rest of the year

2021 is a very productive time for Aries with many opportunities for them to advance both their career and finances. Leap on the opportunities that present themselves to you and work towards improving your current skills and knowledge.

Always remember that there is always a higher mountain for you to climb and something new for you to learn that can benefit you in the long run. Be open to the advice of the universe, and build up strong networks that can also provide you with support and the motivations and opportunities to learn and grow.

2. Taurus - April 21 to May 20

Confidence is key

While Taurians are known for keeping a calm and collected demeanour, there are times where even the strong-headed bull can feel doubtful or insecure about the path they are taking. Under that hardened exterior, criticism can still break you down.

However, you should not take harsh words to heart. Be confident in moving forward and even those who doubt your skills will naturally start to believe in you and begin a positive cycle that will lead to eventual success, especially in areas like your career and finance.

Avoid the drama

Often when there is conflict or disharmony, people turn to the level-headed Taurus to act as an objective mediating third party. While this can help you form strong bonds with others, be careful not to get swept up in the dramas or conflicts of others.

While Taurians may feel tempted to get involved in the gossip, getting too deeply stuck in issues that do not concern you will sidetrack and distract you from your real goals. Keep focused on yourself and pay attention to your own goals.

Trust your decisions

“Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?” This is a common question often asked in the workplace or personal life. Taurians may doubt the choices they come to make in the following year, especially if they are not surrounded by a supporting network.

Trust that you have done the necessary research and assessed the risks enough for you to carry out your decisions without wavering. Put faith into your skills and ensure others can trust the choices you make, especially if you are the one leading a project or venture.

Tips for the rest of the year

This is not only a year where you can make great progress in your work, but also one where you can build yourself up and fine-tune your skills and talents. Money will come naturally to you, a long as you focus on bettering yourself.

However, try not to measure your skills by concrete results, but instead how much better you manage your colleagues or lead projects. Soft skills such as communication, adaptability and problem-solving should be your main focus for improvement. Remember to keep your eye on both your long-term and short-term goals.

3. Gemini - May 21 to June 21

Climb the social ladder

Sometimes people think that producing results and gaining profit is the only way to climb the career ladder at work. In truth, a lot of progress is often made through networking and social contacts. This is especially true for Gemini when it comes to their work or career this year.

People are your assets, and you should never miss an opportunity to socialise and build up your database of contacts. Put that Gemini wit to good use by sharing your ideas with others and persuading them to help support you through whatever means possible. Bring people onboard your career boat and they will help sail you to success.

Friends in high places

Quality is as important as quantity for Geminis this year. Luckily, you will have many opportunities to network and socialise with those in higher positions than you. There will also be ample chances for you to get closer to authority figures such as bosses or mentors in your life.

These connections will prove to be invaluable to you, especially in the support and advice that they can provide. Do not disregard the value they can bring to your life. Ensure you keep these connections strong this year.

Eye for opportunity

Geminis will have plenty of opportunities to step into the spotlight and shine this year. However, it can be easy to miss the opportunities that come your way.

Since you are given the gift of knowledge and foresight, you should keep an extra eye open for the chances to shine that are coming your way. Be ready to leap on them at a moment’s notice. Seek out opportunity wherever you go, because your open door to success may be hard to spot initially.

Tips for the rest of the year

A lot of the progress that Geminis make in 2021 may not be clearly measured through profit margins or numbers, but rather through the ties you form at work and the improvements you make to yourself. Learn to recognise the progress you have made in these areas.

Your finances will eventually catch up to you, but in the moment, learn to love how far you have already come and all the progress you have managed to make.

4. Cancer - June 21 to July 22

Go with the flow

Cancerians will often do their best to tackle an issue until it is completely resolved. This is often a very positive skill to have, however, this year, you must learn to go with the flow of things. Sometimes, it is not the right time to try and fix an issue or overcome a certain obstacle.

There will be moments where it can be difficult to make progress and sometimes it is better that you do not force yourself to be productive. Instead, focus your energy on new or different areas of your life, where you can make a more meaningful impact.

Renew your passions

Cancerians usually run on their emotions. When you start feeling less emotionally invested in any project, you often become less productive and put less effort into furthering it. Therefore, it is particularly important you take steps to renew your passions whenever possible.

This can be done in multiple ways; taking a step back, energising yourself or making tweaks to a project to make yourself feel more involved or have your personal goals align with the long-term ambitions of a project. As long as you approach your work with passion and investment, you will find success.

Take breaks when needed

Once more, Cancerians are emotionally charged signs and like all signs, there can be times where they need to rest and recover their energy. When your body is signaling you that it needs to step back and recharge itself for your mental and emotional health’s sake, learn to listen to it.

These breaks will help you be even more productive in the long run and can boost your health in the long run. So don’t ignore the signs of your body when it comes to telling you to rest.

Tips for the rest of the year

Career and finance may move a bit slowly these few months, however they will still be moving towards success for you. Be patient and do not feel frustrated with how long some things may take.

Learn to make the most of your time in any capacity; whether that would be outside of your work or towards improving your current skill set and talents. You career will provide you what you need, so do not stress yourself out over small hiccups at work.

5. Leo - July 23 to Aug 22

Innovate and rework

Leos are a fiery sign that adapts to whatever new obstacles or opportunities come their way. However, they themselves can be a great force for innovation in the workplace or home life.

In the modern world, Leos should not let themselves fall behind market trends or stagnate with traditional methods that are not as effective as they used to be. Innovate with new ideas or borrow more modern methods that you think can help you gain a boost when it comes to making progress or being productive.

The perfect work environment

Change comes from within, but sometimes having an environment that encourages progress and a positive work attitude can also be extremely helpful. Leos can help improve their work life this year by ensuring they have an environment that suits their needs.

This can be done by modifying the environment directly, such as their home offices or office space if possible, or by ensuring there are harmonious relations between colleagues. Whatever method you use, ensure you have a conductive space where you can both breathe and work.

Compromise, compromise, compromise

Leos are leaders. This much is true. However, a good leader also knows that having a good team that they can bounce ideas of is important to make progress and produce results. Put aside your pride and stubbornness, and learn to listen to the ideas that your crew and colleagues may have.

Sometimes, you may have to compromise in order to achieve the best result for all parties. Do not hold the chains of leadership too strongly, instead, learn to shoulder them alongside your teammates.

Tips for the rest of the year

Your finances may fluctuate a bit this year, though most Leos will be putting more weight on their career and personal progress in the workplace.

Work on building up your reputation and avoiding getting yourself muddied by drama or workplace conflict. Work towards creating an ideal environment and being a good example to others. Wealth and fame will naturally follow if you keep on this upright path.

6. Virgo - Aug 23 to Sept 22

Be ready to pounce

Virgos are steadfast individuals. They are the perfectionists of the workplace and tend to do their research before jumping into any one thing. However, this year you may have to take some more risks when opportunity comes knocking at your door.

You will not always have time to assess all the variables and will need to jump when you see openings for yourself. Do not jump blindly, but do not wait until the moment has passed to regret not taking it.

Do not shy away from major decisions

It can be tempting to focus on the short-term choices that will not heavily define your path in the long run. Major decisions can be scary, but the sooner you decide which path to take at the crossroads, the easier you can breathe.

Often, the early choices you make on these decisions will turn out positive, and give you better clarity of where you wish to go in the future. It can also better inform your future choices.

Avoid being shaken

This year will be full of small disruptions and delays that can be frustrating. You may find yourself constantly having to stop and restart projects or re-engineer your mindset.

Do not let yourself be too shaken by these periods. Instead, hunker down and keep steady tabs on what you are working on. Keep a consistent work attitude and you will be able to jump right back into projects even after these frustrating obstacles.

Tips for the rest of the year

Virgos will have to take a more proactive stance this year when it comes to things like finance and career. The best thing to do is to have monthly reflections where you can reassess the progress you have made and the changes you need to make to your current work routine and attitude. Keep up to date with trends, and do not be afraid to take risks and trust your gut instincts.

7. Libra - Sept 23 to Oct 22

Take things step by step

You come back to work wanting to make waves and big changes. However, it can be difficult to enact new policies quickly or easily. Do not be frustrated, every process needs a few steps in order to get through them.

Breakdown your big ideas into smaller bite-sized changes that need to be made and start on them one by one until you reach the end. They will be more effective, and you will save yourself a lot of stress with easier milestones to achieve.

Distract yourself to concentrate

There may be times where the creative Libra feels themselves hitting a wall. Creativity blocks can be frustrating, especially if you are in the middle of a project. Instead of continuously trying to chip away at a brick wall, turn to different projects or even distract yourself from work.

Take a break away from the mental strain and when you come back, you will realise you have a much easier time concentrating and moving forward on the projects you were previously stuck at.

Think quickly

Libras may not have time to think in long-term goals for the remainder of the year. You may have to prioritise short-term milestones or goals.

Though thinking ahead is not a bad trait to have, you may have to make options for the prospect of quick or immediate rewards. This does not mean you should be hasty, but rather, sometimes you must compromise on long-term goals to keep yourself afloat in the short run. Like all Libras, learn to balance it out.

Tips for the rest of the year

The biggest tip for this year is not to try and rush or force success. Your hard work and persevering work attitude will eventually pay off, but you must be patient, moving forward.

Do not put all your eggs into one basket, and cast a wide net to ensure you have a good range of projects that you can focus on. Most importantly, safeguard your own mental health. It is understandable to feel frustrated, but do not let yourself get overwhelmed by it.

8. Scorpio - Oct 23 to Nov 21

Socialise and thrive

It is no secret how important social connections are, but it’s not just about building connections. Scorpios will thrive in the remainder of this year in socialising situations. Take advantage of any opportunity you have to socialise, whether it is your usual office setting or at a work event.

Not only do you build up a better network, but you enjoy it and this enjoyment can translate to a bigger passion and drive for your work in the long term. If you have a more harmonious work environment, that is also a bonus.

Keep your interest high

Boredom is the biggest progress killer in the workplace for the remainder of the year. Scorpios work best when their interests are high and they are invested in the work they do.

This can be difficult as the rest of the year throws obstacles to challenge and distract you.

Consider taking on short term projects over long-term ones, as you will be less likely to lose interest over the course of them. You are more likely to find success in quicker projects than in investing in a long-term one that could lose its path along the way.

Financial fortune in family business

Much of Scorpio’s attentions are drawn towards their family this year. It is a welcome distraction from work and you will likely spend most of your time here. So why not give yourself a financial boost by having a family business on the side. It can be as small as selling products in an online shop.

Either way, the universe will bless you with positive finances in this area as long as you and your family are in it together. Just know most of your expenses will come from family as well.

Tips for the rest of the year

Prioritise your interests and desires for the rest of the year. It may sound a bit selfish, but in truth, you work best when you are emotionally invested or passionate about your work.

At the same time, if work is not fulfilling you emotionally, it is alright to step back from it and focus on other areas of your life. Keep seeking out ventures and opportunities that get you excited and eager to give it your all.

9. Sagittarius - Nov 22 to Dec 21

Trust your gut

The remainder of this year is a bit contradictory. Work may be slow, but opportunities for projects or growth will come by quickly. They are easy to miss and Sagittarians will not always have the time to do their full research.

This does not mean you should not do any research at all, but there will be times when you have to make decisions without having all the facts. Trust your gut instinct and what you have already learned about the situation. You have much better judgement than you may think.

Steady any frustrations

As said before, this year may feel very stagnant in the long term. It can be frustrating because you do not immediately see the progress or results of your hard work, especially in the workplace. The universe cautions you not to let these frustrations eat into you.

Trust the process and keep moving forward. Strive for recognition, but do not make it your primary motivator. Learn to be happy with the effort that you know you have put into your work. In future, it will pay dividends to you.

Build a good foundation

Even if work is slow on the front, it does not mean that Sagittarians cannot make some progress by working on themselves. Improving your talents, knowledge or skill helps to reinforce your value in the workforce for the remainder of this year.

However, nothing will come of it if you keep these amazing talents hidden. Set up your portfolio, get involved with smaller projects or simply be proactive and document your contributions for future references. In future, you will be glad you spent this time fruitfully.

Tips for the rest of the year

While the career takes a bit of a backseat this year, Sagittarians can make waves in the financial market. This is a good time to prepare yourself to start investing. The most important thing now is to refine your financial structure and wealth.

Consider this a ‘spring-cleaning’ period where you cut out unnecessary expenditure or move resources to someplace more productive. Work towards creating a model that works for you to the best of its ability when it comes to your wealth.

10. Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 19

Slow and steady wins the race

The remainder of this year needs a slow and steady hand for you to get through. Things move at a rather tedious pace and Capricorns need to be patient. Luckily, you are renowned for your perseverance and dedication to your work and career.

Do not get yourself caught up in the haste of the rat race, instead take things slowly and look over things carefully. Your carefulness and meticulousness will help you get an edge up over others. You will also save yourself a lot of stress.

Behind every great business

Behind-the-scenes work may not sound the most exciting at first, but without those working behind the scenes, a lot of projects and ventures would never take off.

The spotlight can be appealing, but it also can be fickle this year. Instead of fighting with others for the limelight, dedicate yourself to being the backbone of your work. It may not pay off in the short term, but in the long run, all your work behind the scenes will accumulate and be recognised by authority figures.

Self-recognition is most important

As before, the rest of this year is rather slow. It is hard to get immediate credit for your work and it can be very frustrating to have yourself go unnoticed.

Do not let this weigh you down. Your time to shine will come, but you must be patient. Recognise your skills, talents and the progress you have made for yourself. No one can take away the credit that you know you should take for yourself. Keep up a positive mindset and keep moving forward.

Tips for the rest of the year

Capricorns need not worry too much about your finances for the rest of this year. Though work may be slow, you will still be able to make enough from ventures outside of your career. Income also looks to be steady.

Take a proactive stance in your financial projects, involve yourself personally and aspire to build your reputation to ensure you can cultivate further fame and fortune more easily for yourself.

11. Aquarius - Jan 20 to Feb 18

Be ambitious

The universe is encouraging you in your endeavours for the rest of the year. It pushes you to set your sights higher and strives to do its best to help you. Do not be afraid to be more ambitious with your goals or desires.

You will never know if you can achieve something without getting out there and working towards it. Aim for the moon, within reason of course, and even if you do not attain that, you will still reach the stars. Step out of the safe zone and take a few risks here and there.

Love what you do

Aquarians are emotionally driven creative and innovative signs. You do best when you are thinking outside of the box or trying to implement new techniques or learned skills.

This is because you have a passion and drive for that sort of work ethic and should implement it in whatever you do. The universe will give you a helpful boost for this year as long as remain passionate and continue to be happy carrying out your work.

Be the one in charge

Aquarians who are in positions of power or are innovating their own business as entrepreneurs will do well for the remainder of the year. Do not worry if you do not fit into these two categories.

There is much you can do to change that. Volunteer to lead a team, take more responsibility even if it is outside of your current scope. Be proactive and seize opportunities where you can be the one to delegate or call the shots with your projects.

Tips for the rest of the year

The rest of the year is prosperous and full of fortune for Aquarians. This all comes as a result of your creativity, innovation and proactiveness. The lesson you have to take away, is that you need to embrace that success that comes your way.

Do not shy away from the limelight, nor stress yourself out over trivial details. Recognise that this is a blessed year and you will be able to make better decisions knowing the resources you do have, instead of worrying about what you may not have.

12. Pisces - Feb 19 to March 20

Trust your network

Pisces will be blessed with a good support network for the rest of the year. The people around you are doing their best to be supportive and give you good advice. Consider listening to their ideas, but also implementing your own to add a personal twist to them.

If you do not have a big network, now is the time to start bringing people over to your side and forming connections. They can be as simple as workplace friendships or leads with those in higher authority positions. Having a good network is imperative to success this year.

Embrace the confidence

Shy and sweet are how most people would describe the lovable Pisces, however, this year, the universe is giving you a kick in the confidence department. Embrace this confidence boost and put yourself out there in the limelight.

Do not let your ideas stay as ideas – pitch and push for them to become reality. You feel confident, because your creative decisions have a real chance to be successful, so do not let yourself stay hidden in the shadows. You can and should strive for success this year.

A change of pace

As a creative individual, sometimes you will need an environment that can help push you even further. The universe encourages you to start implementing these changes in your surroundings.

Encourage a creative and open work environment, not only for yourself, but also for your colleagues and teammates. Keep pitching your ideas and encouraging for them to be tried out. You never know, a temporary change can become something more permanent.

Tips for the rest of the year

The rest of the year looks to be mostly stable for Pisces. The first tip is to keep up good financial habits. Just because the year is prosperous doesn’t mean you shouldn’t save up and continue budgeting.

The second tip is to enjoy yourself at the same time. Do not get too caught up with gaining wealth that you forget to spend any of it. Treat yourself to something this year. You have earned it.

This article was first published in Her World Online.

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