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Malaysian influencer disappointed with Malay men after kopitiam first dates

Malaysian influencer disappointed with Malay men after kopitiam first dates

While guys not having a romantic bone isn't a crime, too many unromantic dates can wear a lady down.

One particular Malaysian influencer was tired of being let down over and over again after her past few dates with Malaysian men brought her out to kopitiams

Fed up with their lack of romantic flair, Sara Anna took to her Instagram to vent her frustrations.

However, her rants targeted Malay men, something that many people found an issue with.

Her verbal spew, which was reposted onto Twitter, was viewed 800,000 times by Friday (Nov 22).


In the clip, Sara said: "Most Malaysian guys... they'll bring me to kopitiams — I don't like it! Sorry, not to be fussy but I work hard not to chill out at kopitiams. So I don't like it..."

She went on to elaborate that she was ok with going to kopitiams, but only after she's gone steady with her partner, emphasizing that she would prefer fine dining for the first ten dates at least.

It's worth pointing out that Sara Anna isn't just your average girl-next-door.

Not only does the 25-year-old have well over 250,000 followers on Instagram, but she's also the founder of Sara Anna Beauty Parlour, has her own shapewear line Goldsky by Sara Anna and another clothing line Posh by Sara Anna.

Her family wasn't well-to-do to begin with either.

"I came from a poor family and earned my own money to change my life and my family's," she said.

So, Sara Anna expected her beau to match up to her, to say the least.

In an interview with mStar, the influencer explained that she made that rant as she had far too many negative run-ins with Malay men, making her feel that most of them were out to sponge off her.

On one of her past dates, she had went along with one of her partner's request to dine at a kopitiam, but when it was time to pay the bill, he pretended he didn't know any better.

"He was trying to woo me but in the end, I ended up having to pay. It wasn't great."

Now, when it comes to prospective dates, Sara expressed a preference for Caucasian men, who, she claimed, knew how to treat women better.

"I tell them I'm a cleaner but they still take me for fine dining without even asking me where I want to go. They are more gentlemanly."

Her controversial rant sparked mixed reactions from Malaysian netizens. While many believed that she was well within her rights to uphold standards for whoever she dates, others thought she had her head in the clouds.




A radio DJ even called her a coconut that's "thick outside and empty inside" during his show.

But their criticism was like water off a duck's back to Sara.

"I don't care because I always get bullied. I am lazy to entertain negative comments on social media."

She does, however, feel sorry for some of the netizens she's received messages from. According to the influencer, many of them agreed with her and thanked her for saying what they didn't dare to.

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