Beginner's guide to understanding your credit score in Singapore (2025): What is a credit score and is it important?

There's nothing that really screams "welcome to the adult world" like receiving your credit report in Singapore.
The first thing that you'll probably want to look for is your credit score — basically a number that tells lenders how good you are at paying back money. It's based on your past history with credit cards, loans, and other payments — kind of like a financial report card.
However, unlike a report card in school which simply grades your performance from A to F, you'd find that the credit report is a little more complex. There are scales and codes for various things, and it is now your responsibility as the credit holder to understand what it all means.
Don't fret — that's why we're here. Let's break it all down.
Your credit report is a record of your credit payment history compiled from different credit providers. So, if you're like me, a saint who always pays the bills on time, it'll show. If your habit of running late extends to paying bills-or worse, skipping them entirely-again, it won't go unnoticed.
Credit reports in Singapore are produced by the Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) — Singapore's most comprehensive consumer credit bureau.
While the credit report is a tool for you to check up on how you're doing financially, it actually has a real impact for credit providers. Most lenders will check your credit file to assess your credit worthiness prior to deciding if you deserve receiving credit from them, e.g. a personal loan.
Think of it like your dating app bio. It's what determines whether you get a swipe to the right or left-or in this case, that loan approval or rejection.
It’s actually really straightforward. You can get your credit report from the CBS website, where you can log in using your Singpass account. Or if you prefer a personal touch, you could always head down to the main CBS office.
URL: |
Note that the service is unavailable during these hours: Daily: 5am–6am Every first day of a new month: 12mn–7am For latest credit records, retrieval should be done from the 16th of each month. Refrain from performing any transactions during scheduled maintenance of the website. |
Credit Bureau office
Address: 2 Shenton Way, #20-02, SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804 Opening hours: Mon–Fri, 9am–6pm Hotline: 6565 6363 |
Upon request, CBS will process and subsequently provide you with a copy of your credit report. You can collect your report on the spot if you opt for hardcopy and/or softcopy. If you opt for registered mail, CBS will send out the credit report to your mailing address within the same day. |
Getting a credit report will set you back $8.00, with prevailing GST. Requests for multiple modes of delivery for your report comes with an additional fee of $2.02.
CBS accepts cash, eNets, Visa and Mastercard for payments made at their office, and eNets, Visa and Mastercard for payments made online.
Alternatively, you could obtain a free credit report if you have recently applied for a new credit facility with any of CBS members. In the notification letter informing you of the credit application approval or rejection status, it should also indicate redemption channels to obtain your free credit report within 30 calendar days from the date of the letter.
From now till Dec 31, 2025, CBS is also collaborating with HSBC to provide free credit reports for HSBC customers. To qualify, you must be among the first 1,750 applicants who complete the form and consent to HSBC marketing.
You'll also need a Singpass login and a unique access code from an HSBC Loan Specialist. If eligible, HSBC will contact you within three months with further instructions. Be sure to review the full requirements before applying.
It's basically a four-digit number that's formulated based on your past payment history on your loan accounts. It is calculated from an algorithm based on information in your current available credit data and is a fluid number which may change from time to time in tandem with changes in your credit information. This information is provided by and collated from various sources.
The closer your credit score is to 2000, the better your financial health-essentially with a lower risk of default.
However, if your credit score is closer to 1000, you're not looking too great. It means that you have a higher risk of defaulting on a payment.
Your report will allow you to see your score, risk grade, and risk grade description all together. Can't visualise it? No worries-look here for the sample credit report of a "Mr Peter Tan".
Looking through the credit report can be confusing as it's laden with jargon. Here are just some of the phrases you might see in the report — along with a summary from CBS itself.
Jargon | What does it mean? |
Summary | A display of your personal credit facilities, aggregate credit limits and indication of identity theft. |
Previous Enquiry | Shows a list of lenders who have searched on your information and your own searches on yourself. |
Account Status History | Displays all the credit accounts you have with CBS Members. |
Default Records | Reflects lenders who uploaded a default in a credit account, the product type, loan amount defaulted, outstanding balances and repayment status. |
Bankruptcy Proceedings | Information on the original order date and discharge date by Insolvency and Public Trustee’s Office (IPTO). |
Narratives | Indicates involvement in Debt Management Programme (DMP) with Credit Counselling Singapore (CCS) and any amendments made to the information in the report. |
Credit Score | A numerical expression based on the past payment history of credit/loan accounts to determine one’s creditworthiness. |
Aggregated Outstanding Balances | Outstanding balances are computed based on the amounts outstanding under your credit cards or other credit facilities. |
Aggregated Monthly Instalments | Monthly instalments include the granular amounts for each facility provided by CBS Members for the previous month and aggregated amounts for the preceding five months. |
Now that you have a brief overview, here's a little more context about some of the key things in the report and how you can interpret them:
Possibly the most technical section, the Account Status History shows the different credit accounts a consumer holds, whether singly or jointly with CBS member banks and financial institutions.These could come in the form of:
Within this section, you can also see your payment patterns over the last 12 months, whether a cash advance was taken up and if full payment was made. Yep, there's no hiding here. The payment codes in the report even explain how prompt the consumer is, in paying the monthly instalments.
Poor payment patterns and overdue balances can affect the consumer’s credit score.
This section maintains records of a consumer's credit facility application over the past two years.
An enquiry can be for a new credit facility application, CBS member banks' review of the consumer's credit facilities held with them, or for a guarantor review.
When too many new applications are made within a short span of time, this can affect a consumer's credit score as this is interpreted as credit hunger — an urgent need for funds.
That said, it's not possible to define exactly how many applications is considered too many and how short a period is too short. Calculating a credit score is a black box and many factors are at play.
The number of times a consumer retrieves their own credit report is also recorded here. However, this will not affect one's score as it is encouraged for a consumer to retrieve their own credit report and better understand their credit standing.
From the last 12 cycles of payment patterns under the Account Status History, readers of the credit report will be able to observe whether the consumer is facing financial distress. Typically, when a consumer struggles to make payments, the payment codes will begin to deteriorate and eventually lead to a default.
A default record section will then open to reflect details of the default. Default Records that show "Negotiated Settlement" or "Full Settlement" as their status will be retained for three years from the Date of Settlement, while those with statuses "Outstanding", "Partial Payment", or "Sold Off" will appear indefinitely on your credit report.
The default record section shows the types of products and to which CBS member bank it belongs to. The status of the default will also be uploaded, showing the method of settlement between the consumer and the CBS member bank. It can be an outstanding default, or partial, full or negotiated settlement reached.
For negotiated settlements, the amount written off by CBS member banks will be indicated.
When a bankruptcy record is present, the consumer will be given a non-scored grade: HX. A consumer with bankruptcy records will take years to rebuild the credit score and can expect to face difficulties in loan approvals.
Bankruptcy records are retained in the credit report for five years from the date of discharge from bankruptcy.
Of course! Your credit score will essentially be used by banks to assess how likely you are to repay your debts.
If you are planning to borrow from a bank-like when you take out a home loan for a property purchase — you need to ensure that your credit score looks good.
The same goes for applying for an HDB loan. If you're not a full-time employee with regular CPF contributions, HDB will want to take a look at your Credit Bureau Singapore credit report. They'll need to assess how likely you will be able to service your loan before they issue you with the HDB loan eligibility letter (HLE).
Your credit score is also important if you are planning to take up any forms of credit or loans, be it applying for a new credit card, taking up a renovation loan for your new place, or applying for an education loan. For example, that new credit card you're trying to get, the credit limit on that card is either gonna be higher or lower based on your score.
Some employers conduct pre-hire employment checks with CBS, especially those complying to MAS' Fit and Proper Guidelines. Thus, your credit reputation might influence the hirer's decision to employ you.
In Singapore, banks and financial institutions screen their employees diligently and your credit score is one of the many possible employment screening tests they can run prior to hiring you. The risk appetite of the employers depends on the role you are applying for.
Having said that, it does not mean that you can mismanage your credit after landing yourself a job in the Banking and Finance industry. This is because employers can still run annual screening on their existing employees to ensure they are financially sound. This is important especially in times of a recession.
CBS calculates your credit score by applying an algorithm to your current available credit data. Your credit score is by no means a static number. It may change from time to time to account for any new credit activity. As a benchmark, I'd say anything above a 1,800 on your credit score is really good.
These are the key contributing factors that will affect your score negatively. Note that there is no fixed weightage to each factor and how much impact it has on the score.
To find out which factors apply in your case, you can refer to the key contributing factors section on your credit report to understand what has caused your credit score to drop.
Do note that while you can’t remove any accurate information on your report, you can certainly dispute them if you see any discrepancies that you don’t believe are quite right.
Your credit score is assessed every time you apply to borrow from any bank or financial institution that is a CBS member.
But different lenders consider different factors and have different risk appetites in assessing an individual's credit worthiness. Therefore, there is no universal standard on acceptable credit scores among the lenders.
In addition, each financial institution has its own internal credit score and risk profile for each applicant based on your financial and demographic information.
So, the CBS credit score is only one of multiple pieces of information used in the bank's assessment process, and it is ultimately up to each bank's risk appetite to approve or reject the application.
Also, it's worth noting that CBS doesn't "blacklist" nor play a part in the lending or hiring approval decision. It only provides specific factual credit-related information about consumers who have credit or loan facilities to the lenders.
If you have over-extended yourself and your credit history has been dented by recent late repayments, you might be wondering when your credit score will look good again.
The good news is that it is within your ability to clean up your credit history! Here are three golden rules, folks.
Rule #1
Pay your bills on time, all the time
Your payment history makes up the largest chunk of your credit score. Consistently paying bills on time shows lenders you’re reliable, and over time, positive payment behavior will push your score higher. Even a few months of on-time payments can start reversing past damage. With credit card bills, make sure you pay the FULL amount, and not the minimum amount. |
Rule #2
Keep at least one credit card active
Keeping a credit card open and using it responsibly—without maxing it out—helps maintain a long credit history and a lower utilisation ratio, both of which improve your score. |
Rule #3
Avoid applying for too many credit cards or loan facilities within a short period of time
Every new credit application triggers a hard inquiry, which can temporarily lower your score. Too many inquiries in a short period signal risk to lenders. By spacing out applications and only applying when necessary, you prevent unnecessary dips and allow your score to gradually climb. |
If you do not have an active credit facility, you should apply for a credit card to start building your credit score. Make sure to make prompt payments and you'll be on track to improving your credit score.
There is no fixed period during which your credit score will definitely improve — the score is calculated by a black box algorithm.
But it typically takes a few months of responsible prompt repayments to start seeing an improvement in your credit score.
If applying for new credit facilities has become challenging because of your deteriorated credit score, you might want to try out an unsecured credit card with a low credit limit or take up a secured credit card so that you can start rebuilding your credit reputation.
Alas, if your credit history problems go deeper than late repayments — such as default, bankruptcy or debt management programmes — these will also be reflected in your credit report.
Default records will be retained for three years from the Date of Settlement (for Default Records with the status of Negotiated Settlement or Full Settlement), while Bankruptcy records will be retained for five years.
This means even after you are discharged from bankruptcy, you can still face difficulties taking up loans for the next few years.
The credit report should state whether the default is outstanding, whether debt management programs are in progress or whether you have been discharged from bankruptcy as well.
Generally, these are the codes you (or your banker) definitely do not want to see:
This article was first published in MoneySmart.