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The no B.S. guide on how to increase your HDB BTO ballot chances

The no B.S. guide on how to increase your HDB BTO ballot chances
PHOTO: The Straits Times file

Been applying for HDB BTO flats but can’t seem to get any?

I feel you, bruv.

Take the latest August 2021 HDB BTO Launch with 4,989 new units.

This launch was announced on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021. But barely two days have passed and almost everything is oversubscribed.

Project Flat Type No of Units Number of
Application Rate
First Timers Second Timers Overall
Non-Mature Towns/ Estates
Tengah (Parc Flora @ Tengah) 3-room 85 198 1.6 4.1 2.3
Tengah (Parc Flora @ Tengah / Plantation Creek) 4-room 570 942 1.5 2.7 1.7
5-room 517 1144 1.7 5.2 2.2
Yishun * (Yishun Boardwalk / Grove Spring @ Yishun) 3-room 162 439 2.1 4.2 2.7
4-room 686 1138 1.3 8 1.7
5-room 613 989 1.1 11.6 1.6
Mature Towns/ Estates
Geylang (Dakota Crest) 3-room 80 315 1.8 44.8 3.9
4-room 242 2689 7.6 78.8 11.1
Kallang Whampoa (King George's Heights) 3-room 104 297 1.3 33.2 2.9
4-room 294 2387 4.9 73.4 8.1
TOTAL 3353 10538 2.2 11.6 3.1

Source: HDB | Number of Applications Received for flats as of Feb 19, 2022, 10pm. 

So how?

Is there a way to increase your chances of a successful HDB BTO ballot?

TL;DR: How to improve my HDB BTO ballot chances

I could just list the various HDB Priority Schemes and present them as various ‘hacks’ which you can use to improve your BTO ballot chance.

But I’m gonna keep it real here.

Wherever possible, I’m gonna highlight some important considerations with regard to the various priority schemes.

So that you can make a proper and informed decision:

Ways to improve BTO ballot

Priority Scheme HDB BTO Flat Allocation Things to Note
Apply for a non-mature estate as a First-Timer Applicant First-timer Applicant with NO other priority schemes 10%
(2-Room Flexi and 3-Room)

(4-Room and bigger)
Some non-mature estates (and flat types eg. 5-Room) can be pretty popular too
Have kids Parenthood Priority Scheme
30% Not a reason to have children especially if you are not financially or emotionally ready for the commitment
Apply for the same BTO and be neighbours with your parents Multi-Generation Priority Scheme
Up to 15% of 2-Room Flexi or 3-Room flats

Married child
Corresponding number of 2-Room Flexi or larger flats
Can only choose from preselected units which are spread across different blocks, and on both high and low floors

Shared queue number so everything must be done together (eg. signing of option, lease agreement and etc.)
Live near (or with) your parents Married Child Priority Scheme
30% Your parents can't move for the time it takes for your BTO to be built + 5 years (until you reach MOP)
Have more than 2 children Third Child Priority Scheme
5% You must have at least 3 children to qualify and they all must continue living with you in the new flat (until you reach MOP)
For divorced or widowed persons with children Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (Divorced/ Widowed Parents)
(2-Room Flexi and 3-Room in non-mature estates)
Only applicable if your child is 18 years and below
For tenants of HDB rental flats wanting to purchase their own home Tenants’ Priority Scheme
(2-Room Flexi and 3-Room)
Only applicable if you and your family have lived in an HDB public rental flat for at least 2 years

If you choose a 4-Room flat or bigger, this scheme will not be applicable
For elderly Senior Priority Scheme
(2-Room Flexi)
Your parents or married child must continue to live within 4km (until you reach MOP)

Basically, if you’re an average, young, Singaporean couple or family looking to improve your BTO ballot chances.

The first five options are your best bet.

BUT before you decide to have children (or more children) or want to involve your parents in your application.

Take a minute to review your financial situation and consider the future implications of your decisions.


These schemes only improve your HDB BTO ballot chance.

They won’t magically guarantee you a flat…

How does the HDB BTO application ballot work?

HDB manages HDB BTO applications through a computerised balloting system that randomly assigns you with a queue number.

You are then invited to book (or select) a flat based on the order of the queue number.

The smaller your queue number, the earlier you’re called up to book a flat.

And the earlier you can book a flat, it means the greater the selection of HDB units to choose from.

Oh, btw, getting your queue number is only half the battle won…

If your queue number is within the flat supply of the BTO you want

As long as the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) racial quota has not been met.

You have a chance of securing a flat.

If your queue number exceeds the flat supply of the BTO you want

You need to pray that enough people drop out and decide not to book a flat.

Maybe they’re picky and can’t get the high floor or unit they want when it gets to their turn to pick.

Or they changed their minds and would rather go for an HDB Resale flat instead.

Either way, the EIP racial quota will still apply.

So… how do I increase my HDB BTO ballot chances?

Since queue numbers are assigned randomly, there’s no way to get a better queue number.

However, HDB accords priority to first-timers as well as applicants under certain priority schemes by giving them more ballot chances.

For example, first-time applicants are given two ballot chances instead of one.

But if there’s an overwhelming demand for flats, even HDB cannot guarantee that you’ll be successful.

If you’re suay and are unsuccessful for two or more BTO applications (as a first-timer) in non-mature estates.

You’ll get one additional chance for every subsequent BTO application in non-mature estates.

If you’re successful on the ballot and are invited to book a flat, don’t just reject it immediately if you see that your ‘ideal’ unit is taken.

For first-timers, rejecting two chances to book a flat means your first-timer priority will be suspended for one year.

FYI: you can still apply for an HDB BTO flat during that 1 year, you just don’t have your first-timer priority.

But if you reject another two more chances to select a flat within that year, your suspension will be extended for another year.

How to improve my HDB BTO ballot chances

If you’re an average, young, Singaporean couple or family looking to improve your BTO ballot chances.

The following options I’m about to talk about are your best bet.

BUT before you decide to have children (or more children) or want to involve your parents in your application.

Take a minute to review your financial situation and consider the future implications of your decisions.


These schemes only improve your HDB BTO ballot chance.

They won’t magically guarantee you a flat…

1) Apply for a non-mature estate

At the risk of sounding obvious, applying for a non-mature estate (read: not as popular) as compared to a mature estate should improve your HDB BTO ballot chance.

However, it also depends on which non-mature estate are you applying to.

And the flat type that is being offered.

If you look at the application rate for 5-Room flats during the HDB BTO Launch in August 2020.

You’ll have a higher chance of getting one in Tampines (mature estate) as compared to in Tengah or Woodlands (non-mature estates).

See? Not so straightforward, huh?

2) Have kids — Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS)

If you’re expecting or already have a child, your application is prioritised because you obviously need the home more urgently.

That aside…

If you’re recently engaged or just married and haven’t decided what you would like to do in life as a couple…

The PPS is NOT a good reason to decide to have children just to improve your BTO ballot chances.

In fact, we’ve worked it out before that you’ll need something to the tune of $11,400 before having your first child!

So unless you’re financially and emotionally ready for the commitment.

Consider other options!

3) Apply for the same BTO and be neighbours with your parents — Multi-Generation Priority Scheme (MGPS)

If your parents are also looking to BTO, then you can both apply to the same BTO project under the Multi-Generation Priority Scheme (MGPS) to increase your ballot chances.

What this means is that you’ll have to make a joint application for two separate flats.

This is also where it gets a little complicated.

Under the MGPS, your parents can only apply for a 2-Room Flexi or a 3-Room HDB BTO flat.

This means that the BTO project which both you and your parents decide on must have these unit types.

(read: if your mom wants to live in Ang Mo Kio and your wife wants to live in Tampines… then you siao liao.)

On top of that, MGPS applicants can only choose from preselected units which might be spread across different blocks.

And are probably on both high as well as low floors.

This means that your choice of units will be further limited.

So if you die die wanna live on a high floor and there are only units on a lower level available, you’re just gonna have to suck it up or give up the application.

The fact that this is a joint application also means that you and your parents share a queue number.

So every step of the BTO process has to be done together (eg. signing of option, lease agreement and etc.).

In order to do that, you and your parents will need to coordinate closely and agree to be on the same schedule to make this work.

4) Live near (or with) your parents — Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS)

Under the Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS), you can either choose to live within 4km of your parents OR live with your parents.

Besides considering whether you (and your partner) can co-exist with your parents.

Or whether your parents even wanna live with you in the first place.

There’s one key thing which you and your parents need to take note of.

Assuming you choose to live within 4km of your parents, they cannot relocate or change their address for the time it takes for your BTO to be built.

Plus the five-year Minimum Occupation Period that you have to fulfil upon collecting the keys to your HDB BTO flat.

So… that’s anywhere between eight to 10 years (depending on how fast your flat is built) before your parents can move.

The problem with this is that if your parents wish to downgrade their flat in order to fund their retirement…

Or they want to sell their flat and move to the Bahamas and enjoy their golden years.

They’re going to have to put that plan on hold for at least eight to 10 years.

5) Have more than 2 children — Third Child Priority Scheme (TCPS)

Read that carefully.

You need to have “more than two children”, meaning you must have at least three children to qualify for the Third Child Priority Scheme (TCPS).

Also, your three children must continue living with you for the entire five-year Minimum Occupation Period.

In addition, they must not:

  • submit any application or be included as occupiers in an application to buy a flat from HDB, the open market, a DBSS flat, or an EC unit
  • rent an HDB flat (including DBSS flat)

This is not really a problem if all of your kids are really young and rely on you for food, clothing, and shelter.

But if you have children who are ready to leave the nest, then this might be a problem.

Er… what if I qualify for the Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS) too?

If you qualify for both the Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS) and the Third Child Priority Scheme (TCPS).

Your application will be balloted under the TCPS first.

If you’re unsuccessful, then it’ll be balloted again under the PPS.

Additional HDB BTO ballot chances after multiple unsuccessful attempts

If you’re damn suay and can’t seem to catch a break…

Don’t give up yet.

If you were unsuccessful for two or more applications for an HBB BTO flat in a non-mature estate.

You will get one additional chance per subsequent application for an HDB BTO flat in a non-mature estate.

This is what I mean:

Number of unsuccessful applications
(for BTO in non-mature estates)
Ballot chances accumulated as a first-timer applicant
(for BTO in non-mature estates)
0 to 1 2
2 3
3 4

Read that carefully, ya…

This is for non-mature estates only.

If you’re applying for super-hot estates like Bidadari, Bishan, Kallang, Geylang that kind…

You might wanna consider going the HDB Resale flat route instead.

ALSO READ: Cancelling your BTO over the ridiculous wait? Here's all you need to know

This article was first published in Seedly.

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