Choa Chu Kang residents sound alarm over motorcyclists using pavement as shortcut: 'I am worried about the children'

Some Choa Chu Kang residents are crying foul over motorcyclists who have been indiscriminately riding along a pavement and using it as a shortcut, thereby endangering pedestrians.
The riders were either diners at the nearby eatery or doing food delivery, reported 8World.
A member of the public, Qiu, told 8World that these riders would illegally ride or park on the pavement below Block 160A Jalan Teck Whye, and that they are a menace.
Zheng, a resident who has lived there for over ten years, told 8World that the situation has been ongoing for several years. And that these riders are usually diners at an eatery located nearby or food delivery riders parking their bikes outside that outlet.
These motorcyclists usually appear during dinner or supper time.
Cai, another resident, said: "I am worried about the children because there is a new HDB block nearby and there are many children running around. If the motorcyclists cannot see them, they may hit them."
One motorcyclist told 8World that although he lives nearby, he does not like to park in the car park as the grace period was only 15 minutes, whereas parking on the sidewalk was free and "convenient".
A delivery rider gave the same reason but added that he would only stop for 10 to 15 minutes and would leave immediately after picking up the food.
An 8World reporter who visited the area noticed at least six motorcyclists parking or using that pavement within the span of an hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.
One rider, upon noticing the camera, said he has changed his mind and did not want to ride onto the sidewalk anymore.
An employee, working at the eatery, said there would be more riders stopping on the sidewalk during the weekends, reported 8World.
She added that she has advised riders not to violate the law but said no one will listen.
She added that the eatery has ever lost more than $100 in earnings in a day as the riders abandon their meal to deal with Land Transport Authority (LTA) officers and then leave without paying for their meals.
LTA, when contacted by 8World, said they will be taking enforcement action at the above location.
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