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Conspiracy theories after GovTech ad hiring TraceTogether/SafeEntry manager spotted

Conspiracy theories after GovTech ad hiring TraceTogether/SafeEntry manager spotted
PHOTO: Lianhe Zaobao

TraceTogether and SafeEntry have become a part of our lives since the onset of the pandemic in 2020.

However, could they be here for the long haul? 

Reddit user Usukmordanidoo uploaded a screenshot of a job listing from GovTech looking to hire a Senior Product Manager, specifically for TraceTogether and SafeEntry, on Wednesday (March 9), titling the post with: "Saw this on LinkedIn... If GovTech is hiring, it means it's here to stay for... ever?" 

Although the job listing could very likely be a mere replacement hire, the screenshot immediately garnered varied responses from other users, including some who speculated that it might just be "Traceforever".

Conspiracy theories aside, there were some who wondered if there would be any new features added to the app (singing otters and otter NFTs, anyone?), as well as others who were concerned that the candidate would be retrenched once TraceTogether is phased out. 


Since May 17 last year, TraceTogether check-ins have been mandatory for visitors to shopping malls, offices, schools, places of worship and other venues with higher footfall, replacing previous SafeEntry check-in.

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