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Driver in Serangoon allegedly pursues couple after honking incident, threatens to hit man

Driver in Serangoon allegedly pursues couple after honking incident, threatens to hit man
PHOTO: Screengrab/Facebook/SG Road Vigilante

No one enjoys being honked at on the road - but this driver may have taken things a step too far.

A driver allegedly tailed a couple home after he was honked at in Serangoon, confronting them in a multi-storey carpark in a video uploaded to SG Road Vigilante on Monday (Feb 19).

In the video, a black MPV can be seen filtering into a merging lane at very low speeds, obstructing the couple's vehicle.

In response, the couple depresses their horn, blaring at the driver. 

According to the post, the driver then flashed his middle finger at the couple, opening his car door and challenging the couple to a fight. 

As the couple drove off, the driver then allegedly followed the couple to a multi-storey carpark beneath the couple's home.

Confronting the couple, the driver can be heard challenging a man to a fight, even raising his elbow, motioning to strike.

"I'll f***ing swing at you, I'm telling you," the driver threatened the man.

The woman who was recording the incident then warned the driver not to hit the man.

"You swing at him, I've got video… you dare to touch him?" She shouted.

The video then cuts to the aggressor telling the man to step aside, so that they can settle this with a "man-to-man talk".

He added: "I don't want to talk to women."

Enraged, the woman repeatedly questioned the other driver why he wasn't willing to include her in the argument.

The video then cuts again to a shouting match between the driver and the woman before ending. It isn't clear how the situation concluded.

'Shouting matches aren't going to solve any issues'

While many netizens chastised the driver for his aggression in confronting the couple, some also felt that this argument was futile.

"If only the [driver] put his hand out to wave sorry, I'm sure nothing would have come out of this," a user on Hardware Zone said.

"Shouting matches aren't going to solve any issues," another user commented.

Another said: "Opening mouth [to shout insults isn't] productive at all."

Some however also opined that the couple had their share of fault in the matter.

One user opined that the driver was being safe by filtering slowly, and it was the couple being impatient that escalated this situation.

"The [driver] already signalled and slowly filtered, the car cannot let him pass?" One user asked. "Self-entitled driver thinks no one can cut his lane."

ALSO READ: 'Hooligan family': Man gets hit by driver after altercation with family at Sentosa

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