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Final reunion: Over 60 Bedok residents in 'Singapore's friendly neighbourhood' gather on last day of CNY amid numerous complaints

Final reunion: Over 60 Bedok residents in 'Singapore's friendly neighbourhood' gather on last day of CNY amid numerous complaints
PHOTO: Screengrab from TikTok/8world

They had just won Singapore's Friendly Neighbourhood award last year, but now these residents' merry-making must come to an end.

Over 60 residents along Bedok Reservoir Road had their final gathering on the last day of Chinese New Year (CNY) amid noise and hygiene complaints, 8world reported on Sunday (Feb 25).

Eighteen-year resident Wu Xiuhua (transliterated) has been holding gatherings since 2011 under the Sharing Passion charity organisation, inviting other residents to craft their own decors to put on display during the events.

However, Wu's gatherings have invited unwanted attention - and criticism - from other residents in the area, she told the Chinese publication.

"Between 2011 and the present, the complaints I've received could fill at least three to four books… [they are all] complaints about us being noisy, unhygienic and [hoarding] too many things," Wu said.

She added that some residents are hard of hearing and require others to speak to them loudly and that onlookers might see that as them being noisy.

The decors, made using recycled materials, were also a cause for concern as the unused materials would be left accumulating in the senior citizens' corner.

Speaking to 8world, a resident surnamed Liu who has lived in Bedok for 40 years expressed disappointment toward the end of festivities at the location, believing that the community's cohesiveness would be adversely affected.

Lynn, a Bedok resident of 35 years, said that these gatherings help residents get to know each other and that getting rid of them is quite a pity.

She explained: "Residents didn't know each other before, but they've gradually become more familiar with one another through these gatherings, so I really hope this isn't the last time. I hope it will be held again next year if more residents request it." 去年荣获“新加坡友善街坊奖”(Singapore's Friendly Neighbourhood Award)的勿洛蓄水池居民昨天(23日)迎来最后一场大型聚会,大约60名居民齐聚一堂欢庆元宵节。 社区组织负责人表示,他们多年来频遭投诉,迫不得已只好停办大型聚会,日后也不会再制作佳节装饰,但她相信社区凝聚力不会因此而削弱。#8worldnews #sgnews #lanternfestival #gathering #decorations #neighbourhoodevents ♬ original sound - 8视界新闻网

'There is still a bright future'

But this might not be the last time Wu will be holding a gathering for residents - according to her, these celebrations will be moved over to block 43, Chai Chee Road.

Meanwhile, free food distribution along with smaller gatherings will still be held in Bedok and the recycled materials will be gradually removed.

"Everyone will be very sad, and so am I," she told 8world. "After all, I've been here for a long time, but that doesn't matter.

"There is still a bright future for this neighbourhood, and I can still bring the residents out to play."

ALSO READ: 'Really cannot tahan': Residents frustrated by noisy neighbours, some struggle to find a solution

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